Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Sunrise, sunset

Grover Norquist's obesity is the flag of entitlement. The psychology of the perceived right to consume is mitochondrial so the obese use the maintenance of fat stores to enable their behaviors that seek to destroy the security of the 'weak.' The lack of exercise drives compulsive resource hoarding and stokes their religious absolutism.

The militarization of law enforcement is undoing democracy by firing teachers to privatize prisons.The disaffected Left goes to a state capital and dances on the People’s table in the governor’s office. The disaffected Right has guns and kills people.

President Eisenhower gave permission to the military/industrial complex. Ted Kaczynski gave permission to Tim McVeigh. Jared Loughner gave permission to the sovereign movement. Now, the Grover Norquist Republicans of the US are giving permission to the Scott Roeders and the Oslo attackers of South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming to extract and defend.

Two reporters at the Sioux Falls Argus Leader believe they have evidence that the Army Corps of Engineers is engaging in CYA:
Until mid-April, officials were confident they could manage the situation without major flooding. But within a few weeks the situation unraveled, leading to the most serious flooding on the Missouri in decades. Those conclusions come from thousands of pages of internal emails and reports obtained by the Argus Leader and Gannett Washington Bureau under the Freedom of Information Act. The request includes exchanges between Jody Farhat, chief of the water management division for the corps' Omaha District, and other top officials in the corps as they struggled to manage the situation.But there was concern about what lowering Lake Sharpe would mean for downriver Native American tribes. Farhat ordered an assessment. "We don't want to help out one area (Pierre) to the detriment of another, especially the tribes - it's an environmental justice issue. Perhaps with the high releases there won't be any impact, but we have to know that before we can say that."

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