
SD Senate candidate graduate of Santa Fe's Southwestern College

South Dakota District 34 Senate candidate Kehala Two Bulls earned her Masters in Counseling from Southwestern College in Santa Fe where she met her husband, artist Marty Two Bulls, Jr.. Ms. Two Bulls was recently selected as a Billie Sutton Leadership Institute Fellow.
She said managers and stewards need to be open to learning about traditional Indigenous practices of forest stewardship and prescribed burning. Many are revisiting these time-honored methods of managing fire-adapted ecosystems. “The key to continuing to evolve our understanding through ongoing study, while drawing wisdom from Indigenous forest management interfaces that coexisted with period fire for centuries before modern fire suppression policies. [Two Bulls work with CASA will make her an effective legislator]
Preservation is a weak spot in the Republican agenda and if enough people believe forest and rangeland resilience is a bankable position the South Dakota Democratic Party needs to exploit it by fielding candidates who can convince voters to reject politicians like John Thune, Kristi Noem, Mike Rounds and Dusty Johnson who work for the grazing, mining and logging profiteers at the expense of public lands

Southwestern is home to the New Earth Institute which recently hosted the Heart of Nature Summit 2024. New Mexico is home to twenty three Indigenous nations.

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