
South Dakota, Wyoming facing scorched earth

Restoring and rewilding American ecosystems are parts of the Green New Deal but it may already be too late for red states South Dakota and Wyoming.

If domestic livestock grazing really reduces fuel loads why is extreme fire danger still a thing in Republican ranch country? In western South Dakota and in most of Wyoming moderate and severe drought is worsening so pastures in those states are poor to very poor according to the latest data from the US Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Wyoming and South Dakota reported the largest negative change. Wyoming saw 66% rated good to excellent, down 6 points from the previous week, and saw an 11-point increase in poor-to-very-poor grazing areas. South Dakota saw a drop of 8 points to 22% good to excellent and a 14-point increase in poor-to-very-poor ratings. [Progressive Farmer]

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