
Peters, Lindell likely headed for jail, bankruptcy

A private plane carrying Republican former Mesa, Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters and other Trump operatives took them to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to attend a rally held by Mike Lindell. 

Peters' trial on charges that she copied files of the county's election tabulations then shared them with Pillow Guy, Lindell will begin in February. Peters is probably going to jail after compromising election results and forcing polling machines to be discarded.
District Court Judge Nina Y. Wang wrote in her ruling: "To warrant federal court intervention, a plaintiff must offer sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the prosecution was substantially motivated by a bad faith motive or was brought to harass. Ms. Peters has not met her burden here." She also wrote multiple times, "Documents do not even address the factual allegations for which they are cited." [Judge dismisses Tina Peters lawsuit aimed at stopping federal charges against her]
Lindell is simply another caricature of the aging GOP.
At MyPillow headquarters in Chaska, Minnesota, religion, politics, pillows and a kinetic CEO fuel a never-ending tornado that Lindell flies around in nearly every minute of every day, selling — always selling — his latest set of sheets, pseudo-Biblical prophecy, election fraud theory, grievance. He calls an attorney interested in representing him in lawsuits with voting machine companies Smartmatic and Dominion. He later says he and MyPillow decided to part ways with the attorneys because the bills were $2 million per month. The Minneapolis and Washington law firms told federal judges they’re owed millions in legal fees. [Mike Lindell’s conspiracy-fueled pillow company fights to survive his election obsession]
Learn more at Newsweek.

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