Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Why not build a stairway to the final frontier?

I actually emailed Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) after the 9/11 events that an Astral Trade Center built around a space elevator constructed on the property once occupied by a center of world trade in New York City might have made a fitting memorial.
Barrow-born Jordan William Hughes has designed an elevator that transports passengers into space. His futuristic concept was awarded a prize for space architecture and innovation from the Jacques Rougerie Foundation, in Paris. The use of an elevator is designed to replace rockets, which he says are inefficient, expensive and bad for the environment. The design involves dropping a cable-like structure from a space port down to earth. It would then connect with a ship that can move around the ocean to keep pace with the space port. [Space elevator concept wins €10,000 design prize]
Learn more at Freethink.

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