Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Who won Afghanistan? Opium growers

The United States is the arms dealer of the world and averse to gun control as it assassinates hundreds of children, women and men throughout the Muslim world. Hundreds of thousands have been slaughtered in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and beyond

South Dakota's Ellsworth Air Force Base has butchered countless civilians during the actions to protect the heroin trade keeping the Russian mob and the American Central Intelligence Agency in cash. 

On Trump Organization orders bombers from EAFB near Rapid City had been targeting alleged Taliban drug facilities to prevent harm to "innocent Afghan civilians" all the while escalating its war on civilians to protect the friendly opium fields. But, after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered hits on Americans in Afghanistan the air war was suspended. 

At least eighty percent of the world's heroin comes from Afghanistan's poppy fields. It's a place where dropping the Earth's largest non-nuclear explosive not only resulted in blowback, an attack in Kabul that killed a hundred people and injured many more, it drove a formidable native insurgency. 

The Republican-led wars there and in Iraq have cost American taxpayers some $6 TRILLION.
Much of the opium trucked into Darra from Afghanistan by the mujahedin was sold to the Pakistani governor of the northwest territory, Lieutenant General Fazle Huq. From this opium the heroin was refined in labs in Darra, placed on Pakistani army trucks and transported to Karachi, then shipped to Europe and the United States. The DEA was well aware that the mujahedin rebels were deeply involved in the opium trade. The drug agency’s reports in 1980 showed that Afghan rebel incursions from their Pakistan bases into Soviet-held positions were “determined in part by opium planting and harvest seasons.” The numbers were stark and forbidding. Afghan opium production tripled between 1979 and 1982. There was evidence that by 1981 the Afghan heroin producers had captured 60 percent of the heroin market in Western Europe and the United States (these are UN and DEA figures). ["I could live with that;" How the CIA Made Afghanistan Safe for the Opium Trade]

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

During the American invasion of Afghanistan NPR was my goto source for news on the ground and Sarah Chayes was there. We spent a trillion dollars to silence Usama Bin Laden, not for revenge but because he knew too much. Read her essay and learn why Pakistan wasn't invaded instead.