Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


Lias: GOP's open hostility to the press could destroy civil rights

It's impossible not to notice that the white people who influence the South Dakota Republican Party continue to brainwash their own kids into selling tyranny and exclusivity to the voting populace.

On April 25th sleepy Vermillion became ground zero for Donald Trump's war on America in South Dakota.
The main speaker was Charlie Kirk, a guy who apparently makes a living by going from one campus to the other to tell students that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. Midway through his talk to both grown-up Republicans from Clay, Turner and Union counties, and to members of USD’s chapter of College Republicans who organized and served the banquet meal, Kirk said he’s concluded that, with a few exceptions, the media are the enemy of the American people. I learned two things from the April 25 event: 1) Kirk is as big of a liar and grifter as our president. 2) The Republican Party has morphed into something that would be unrecognizable to past GOP leaders like Jim Abdnor and George Mickelson and Bill Janklow. And that’s really, really sad. [David Lias, The SD GOP Inspires Sadness These Days]
Right to life? Not if you're non-white or noncomforming in America or South Dakota.

The United States was founded on the backs of slaves as systematic genocide became a way of life for white christians quoting scripture as they slaughtered their fellow humans. After colonizers realized enslaved American Indians had no resistance to diseases brought from the Old World, Africans were imported to do the dirty work. US Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren drove thousands from their lands and to their deaths over the Trail of Tears yet Rapid City brazenly displays their likenesses in conspicuous locations downtown.

"Go back to the Rez!"

Sturgis is home to Fort Meade: one of the last outposts supporting the US Army's war against Native forces.

In South Dakota Meade, Moody, Potter and Pennington Counties struggle with racism on daily and local levels. Confederate flags routinely fly in Rapid City showing support for racism in like-minded states, South Carolina and Mississippi. Many more come out during the Sturgis Rally as bikers in the Black Hills flaunting their racist bents fly the flag of slavery from their machines. Gettysburg, South Dakota remains a white supremacist stronghold. South Dakota is home to numerous sculptures that idolize genocide visited upon American Indians. Mount Rushmore is the state's premier example of racist ideology. Its sculptor was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. As James Van Nuys puts the finishing touches on his statue of Barack Obama Democrats are privately discussing its safety in racist Rapid City.

The SD Newspaper Association, teevee stations and local media have known about Pierre's culture of corruption for decades but simply concede to the twenty SDGOP donors like Frank Farrar and Denny Sanford who run the state or face losing advertisers. Bill Janklow's idea of public broadcasting is a media cripple.

Republican is not just another word for earth hater; it's another word for Nazi but Charlie Kirk might be right about one thing. At a time when gender fluidity is more common than foot fungus fake journalists like Cory Heidelberger and Pat Powers can even call themselves brain surgeons if they want to.

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