Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


Black Hills Energy, Dusty Johnson cutting a fat hog in Colorado cannabis industry

Rapid City-based Black Hills Corp is reaping the cannabis whirlwind in Colorado selling many megawatts of electricity to grow/ops.
Black Hills Energy electric customers will see a one-time rebate in April bills because of the cut in the federal corporate tax rate from 31 to 25 percent. As required by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, the utility is returning an initial $6.1 million in taxes to ratepayers in April bills. While Black Hills charged ratepayers for its federal taxes, it was allowed to “defer” paying those taxes on to the federal government. [Pueblo Chieftain]
Recall that in 2014 nerdling Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson accompanied South Dakota's Republican former governor to a taxpayer-funded Western Governors Conference soiree in Colorado Springs where the pair met with industry mucky-mucks. Guess what: it paid off. Dusty hauled in at least $14,150 from those dudes last cycle. Xcel Energy is another utility reaping the green whirlwind so they gave Dusty $2500.
Industrial Agriculture is a growing customer segment comprised primarily of cannabis-related farming activities. In contrast to the trends characterizing Black Hills’ aforementioned industrial customer class, growth in both the number and overall energy demand associated with the industrial agriculture loads has been trending upwards since early 2013. [Black Hills Energy, 2016 Electric Resource Plan]
Pee in a cup, Dusty.

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