
Franken emerging as elder statesman

Socialized agriculture, socialized dairies, socialized cheese, socialized livestock production, a socialized timber industry, socialized air service, socialized freight rail and now a socialized nursing home industry are all fine with Republicans in South Dakota but then they insist single-payer medical insurance is socialized medicine.

There is a growing movement among Democrats and others to fund Medicare for all but I like the idea of rolling the funding for Obamacare, TRICARE, Medicare, the Indian Health Service and the Veterans Affairs together then offering Medicaid for all by increasing the estate tax, raising taxes on tobacco and adopting a carbon tax.

Bernie Sanders' wife kept him from being Hillary Clinton's veep choice and if she'd really wanted to win she'd have chosen Al Franken or Amy Klobuchar as her running mate instead of Tim Kaine. My first choice for 2020 was Al Franken but it seems unlikely unless he can recover in time. Senator Amy Klobuchar supports the therapeutic cannabis laws in Minnesota and opposes federal interference with the state's authority to regulate the industry. It's impossible to imagine either Trump or Pence running in 2020 so she'd have to be able to beat the GOP nominee.

Other than Weld, Kasich and Flake who will the earth haters run?

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