Los Cerrillos
March 18, 2025


Split vote in District 30 favors Democrat

Saying she was called to contribute her talents, skills and experience 63 year old Democrat Kristine Ina Winter is a retired professional civil engineer running for South Dakota State Senate from District 30.

Also in the contest are Libertarian Gideon Oakes and earth hater Lance Russell whose mother sold property near Pringle to the FLDS Church where minor girls are trafficked and raped. They're expected to split the earth hater vote giving an easy win to Winter.

Winter was interviewed for a story in a Black Hills newspaper in a town and county named for a war criminal.
She said. “I am running because I believe government provides vital services to the citizens and the citizens deserve the best government possible. Excellence in government provides quality services at the best price for the short term and the long term.” Winter, also of Fall River County, has served as president of two Rotary clubs, governor elect of a Rotary district, director of the Southern Hills Economic Development Corporation and a trustee for Fall River Health Services.

She said her 30 years of experience as a civil engineer in highways for a state agency allows her to understand infrastructure and the relationship between federal agencies and state agencies. She added the oversight provided by a stronger representation of the minority party can help with accountability and oversight of programs. It is important to preserve healthy land, air and water while also attracting new industries compatible with a healthy environment, she said. Investing in public education and healthcare for all citizens is vital, she said. Emerging technology will impact our lives and businesses, she said, and therefore legislators need to be informed on technological innovation. Winter is concerned about the loss of population from the rural areas of the country. She believes the loss of young people needs to be addressed. Trust in government and government institutions is suffering, she said, and the only way to solve a problem with trust is to be unwaveringly trustworthy.

Her approach, if elected, is to ask these questions of every proposed legislation:

• Will it help or harm the environment?

• Will it help or harm the state?

• Will it help or harm District 30?

• Will it promote the general welfare of citizens and communities?

Read the rest here.


Gideon Oakes said...

Your model would work if Democrats consistently pulled more than a third of the vote in contested races in D30. They don't, however. But I admire your optimism! :-) Republicans can "safely" vote Oakes to their hearts' content and it will not spoil for Winter. Ina is a very nice person, but the winner will be Oakes or Russell, if mathematics have anything to do with it.

larry kurtz said...

This year is different but I suspect you're right, G-Dog. Thanks for the visit and comment.