
Bendagate player Turbiville found dead

Republican State House member from District 31 and Deadwood Mayor Chuck Turbiville has croaked.

Turbiville's name still appears on the November ballot and if he wins either lame duck Denny Daugaard or a new governor will name his replacement. Democrats Naveen Malik, Wyatt Osthus and Tim Johns are also in District 31 house contests. In 2014 Chuck fled an economic development post ahead of a lawsuit seeking information about criminal activity committed during Governor Mike Rounds' administration resulting in the suspicious death of Richard Benda.

During a photo shoot when construction on the Bendagate-financed Deadwood Mountain Grand went obscenely over budget the following was heard by a city employee uttered by Big Kenny Alphin as he handed a check for $5 million to Mike Gustafson.
This is the last goddamned check I'm going to write to you assholes!
Bendagate/Deadwood Mountain Grand player Joop Bollen is a Future Fund recipient and SDGOP campaign contributor. Reporter Bob Mercer's request to see Richard Benda's autopsy report and investigation proving he was shot in the abdomen was denied by a Republican-owned court in South Dakota. On advice of counsel now-US Senator Mike Rounds has never released the names of his Future Fund and Bendagate scandal cronies because he's shielded by South Dakota's lack of ethics oversight.

At their last meeting Deadwood's historic preservation commission heard testimony on the Grand’s latest expansion plans.

Turbiville served three years in the US Armed Forces including a tour in Vietnam. He was obese, sedentary and in poor health when he died. Funeral arrangements are pending.

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