Los Cerrillos
March 25, 2025


Newcomers to Constitution Party need to lawyer up

Gordon Howie and the newcomers to the Constitution Party of South Dakota have a chance to make history but they had better know the rules before their convention(s).
Unfortunately, it is a graphic picture of the Republican Party in South Dakota. A select few have a strangle-hold on power. They have had a monopoly long enough that they make their own rules and choose who is next in line for a power position. You can count on the Republican establishment to fight it tooth and nail. This is an insurgence they simply can’t afford. [Game Changers]
Why Republican Secretary of State Shantel Krebs stays in the earth hater party remains a mystery. She's far more conservative than Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson is but Krebs herself continues to be thrown under the bus by the earth haters because she exposed Kristi Noem as a philanderer. Neal Tapio was in the US House primary to erode support for Krebs.

There is a mass exodus underway from the SDGOP and there isn’t a single story about it in the South Dakota media. Principled conservatives are sick of being lied to by Zionist mob boss Lederman and are already fighting back against the South Dakota Republican Party insiders in Rapid City. Pierre is broken and the only way to fix it is to have Republicans lose several races to Democrats. South Dakota's most ardent citizens for liberty are recruiting conservatives to run not just in statewide elections but for the legislature, too.

If the Constitution Party lawyers up, holds together, nominates candidates for statewide offices and survives the eventual legal challenges from Dan Lederman it's curtains for the South Dakota Republican Party.

Hell freezes over: Frank Carroll gets a story right

If you live in the wildland-urban interface government can't always protect you from your own stupidity.
The fire gravy train is too famous to ignore. We cannot go on under the current open checkbook policy of firefighting anywhere, anytime, just because there are flames. We need to provide point protection for homes and private property, but not by the use of very heavy air tankers costing $100,000 a day on standby and $60,000 a load of retardant. If you live where fires burn, learn to live with fire. The government cannot help you. [CARROLL: Time to change firefighting strategy]

By law air tankers must avoid waterways to prevent fish kills. Slurry bombers usually apply two Phos-Chek products: LC95A, a liquid concentrate and MVP100, a powder.

Fact is: it’s far, far cheaper to bill the feds after a wildfire than it is to conduct fuel treatments. That’s because it's more expeditious to litigate forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Not talking about fuel treatments during a wildfire is akin to not talking about background checks during a mass shooting. The solutions are simple. We must talk more about how stakeholders and policy makers interact with voters instead of reacting to an industry-driven executive branch fanned by a Zinke-powered bellows.
Pinus ponderosa colonized the Black Hills region by at least 3850 yr bp (all ages given in calendar years before present). It expanded into the eastern Bighorn Mountains of northern Wyoming by 2630 yr [Late Holocene expansion of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) in the Central Rocky Mountains, USA]
Want to slow planet warming and flatten the Keeling Curve?

Ponderosa pine sucks millions of gallons from aquifer recharges, needles absorb heat and accelerate snow melt. The Rocky Mountain Complex and the Black Hills have been home to a much larger aspen community in the fairly recent past. Clear the second growth ponderosa pine, conduct fuel treatments, restore aspen and other native hardwoods, build wildlife corridors and approximate Pleistocene rewilding using bison and cervids.

Adapt or die.


DFL gubernatorial candidates support legal cannabis for all adults

If elected governor Minnesota DFLer Erin Murphy would work to move the state to single-payer healthcare, legalize cannabis and raise revenue to pay for infrastructure.
"Minnesotans are ahead of policymakers on this question," she said. "They are ready to make this move and if the Legislature puts it on my desk, I will sign it into law." [MPR]
Tim Walz is also running for governor. He supports legal cannabis for all adults, too. Their primary is 14 August.

People suffering from autism and obstructive sleep apnea in Minnesota are able to seek relief in that state with therapeutic cannabis enrolling this month then picking up their medication on the first of August.

Al Franken has promised to bone up on cannabis law as Minnesota considers even more liberal policy.
Now, the senator is on a bit of a marijuana bill cosponsorship spree, and some observers think it's good politics -- in addition to good policy -- at a time when Franken's name is being floated as a possible 2020 presidential candidate. [Forbes]
Franken is expected to recover from his tribulations and become the Democratic Party frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Both Minnesota and North Dakota are expected to legalize for all adults.

In 2016 North Dakota voters passed Measure 5 legalizing cannabis for some patients and last year the legislature drafted rules then a Republican governor signed it into law. US Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) has joined Colorado's congressional delegation in the effort to ensure state cannabis policies are respected by the feds. The North Dakota Department of Health has begun accepting applications for operators of therapeutic cannabis dispensaries. Grassroots Cannabis in Fargo and Pure Dakota LLC in Bismarck have applied.

But, North Dakota's repressive neighbor to the south is among the states hit hardest by opioid abuse and hopelessness. Even the South Dakota State Medical Association contends that although "marijuana and dronabinol decreased pain" the fact that it is illegal makes it less effective as a therapy.

The South Dakota Republican Party has even adopted a platform that punishes people seeking relief from intractable pain and suffering. The earth hater nominee for attorney general, suspected incel Jason Ravnsborg, wants to build prisons to warehouse meth addicts and the mentally ill.

The newly-released platform and resolutions adopted by the South Dakota Democratic Party at their state convention make no mention of cannabis but they do adopt language that explores the cultivation of dicamba-resistant and Roundup-Ready hemp. Why anyone would want to buy genetically modified hemp seed from Bayer CropScience/Monsanto or some other earth hater every year remains a mystery.

The good news is that after buggering state law they have the opportunity to reconvene and address their mistakes.

Alcohol use goes down in states where cannabis is available legally while Big Pharma capitalizes on cannabis for the treatment of epilepsy.
Last month’s vote in Oklahoma to legalize medical marijuana caught a lot of people by surprise. Who knew such a deeply red state would embrace cannabis in a 57% landslide? [Red States Are Embracing Cannabis Legalization, Expanding Access]
In a related story, South Dakota's young adults are becoming increasingly depressed because of frustration with an extremist legislature bent on ending civil liberties.

Black market cannabis not tested or subject to inspection makes America less safe. Democrats in blue states already understand the added value of talking legal cannabis during their campaigns and some red state Democrats get it, too; but so far this election cycle South Dakota Democrats believe that state is just too fragile for cannabis rights.

Legalizing and regulating a product that so many people enjoy is reasonable public policy aligned with life/safety concerns.


Rapid City Journal lays spike in suicides at SDGOP's door

What do fat, white Republicans like Pat Powers have in common besides being far greater burdens on American health care than those who exercise regularly?

They all say cannabis is dangerous to young adults while also saying efforts to reduce childhood obesity, like a sugar or soda tax, is over-regulation, government overreach or nanny-statism. A study recently published in the Journal of Rural Health found the suicide rate for farmers is not only the highest of any occupation in America, it's spiking because of a lack of ready access to mental health care services. South Dakota writer, Tom Lawrence calls it part of "the insanity of the Farm Bill." Still another study just concluded cannabis is an effective antidepressant therapy for some patients while keeping it illegal creates paranoia, anxiety and stigmatization.
While most everyone — including state Health Secretary Kim Malsom-Rysdon — acknowledges the gravity of the problem, it seems the state lacks a pro-active approach to address it. In general, the state of South Dakota has paid scant attention to a growing mental-health crisis. Now, the burden of mental-health care largely falls on local governments that must deal with its costly consequences with little state assistance. A true solution starts with the governor's office and the Legislature. It is time for elected leaders to get off the sidelines on this critical issue and lead or the death toll will likely keep rising. [OURS: Surging suicide rate needs to be addressed]
Which parts of six month winters, rampant racism, chilling effects on civil rights and an extremist legislature escape you people? Cannabis is an effective therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

The annual criminal costs of video lootery in South Dakota have reached $42 million and the social costs an estimated $62 million. Video lootery and South Dakota's plunge into despair are inextricably linked. When video lootery began in 1986 104 charges were filed for robbery, grand theft and aggravated theft. There were 1,037 cases in 1990 and last year they went past 4000.

No higher being will ever be anything but predatory. After painting Barack Obama as the antichrist we're watching evangelicals fawn over career criminal Donald Trump as their Righter of Wrongs. It's horrifying in its duplicity. The End Times fulfill a prophesy and welcome a supernatural extraterrestrial to create a one-world government.

It's a dystopian fantasy run amok.

Translation: the South Dakota Republican Party is a reactionary group of earth haters who believes greed is good at any expense.


Ravnsborg not yet out as an incel

The term "involuntary celibate" (shortened to "incel") refers to self-identifying members of an online subculture based around the inability to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom or incelibacy.
It's really none of our business what his sexual preference is but parents have every right to be creeped out by Jason Ravnsborg's appearance at a South Dakota Teen Republicans (TARs) camp.
Eric, 19, has never had sex. Asked whether he’s ever kissed a girl, he laughed. Like so many other dejected men who populate incel groups, he believes he will be alone forever ― an inescapable fate he blames on his perceived ugliness. He says he feels hopeless, unwanted and deeply angry at women and society for rejecting him. Leaving is the hard part. “Praying that this site goes down and stays down,” Eric wrote on Lookism.net in June. He said he’s tried to leave incel forums before, but he always ends up coming back. [A Toxic ‘Brotherhood’: Inside Incels’ Dark Online World]

Ravnsborg is obese, extraordinarily homely, a confirmed bachelor and a member of the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers with little hope of attracting a mate. But, teenagers? Even Matthew Wollman didn't openly prey on teenagers...did he?

The TARs have a reputation for attracting criminals.



Wyoming Black Hills still suffering water well contamination

Yep, water is pork.

Ogden Driskill is an obese earth hater Wyoming legislator running cattle near Devils Tower National Monument in the Belle Fourche River watershed.

At his request the Crook County Commission has been asking the City of Gillette in neighboring Campbell County to allow access to the Madison water pipeline for landowners whose wells have been depleted or compromised by over a century of livestock grazing, coal mining and other extractive industries. Some 55 area wells are producing water that is not fit for human consumption under US Environmental Protection Agency standards.
“We’ve got a number of wells that went dry, we’ve got acid in wells – there’s a problem,” said Driskill. He noted that the wells did not dry up slowly, but that the problem appeared virtually overnight. “The City of Gillette is unwilling, partially for liability reasons,” he said. “These guys are hauling water for cows and hauling water for houses. That’s not right.” Commissioner Kelly Dennis, whose own land sits near the affected area, commented he has heard talk that another well may have run dry near Thorn Divide, several miles from where the problem was initially identified. [Sundance Times]
Thorn Divide is visible as an open green rise in front of Mahto Tipila in the background of the above image.
After meeting with resistance, he tacked an amendment on the omnibus water bill that would have forced Gillette to allow up to 200 new taps. Gillette turned down the funding, citing concerns over the repercussions of the amendment’s wording. Since that time, says Driskill, things have turned ugly – but he won’t let that deter him. [Sundance Times]
Like wiping your ass with a hula hoop: it's endless.

Oneok wants to install a second natural gas liquids pipeline through Crook County nearly parallel to the 900-mile Bakken line placed in 2012 traversing Thorn Divide near Carlile.

In January of 2016, the US Forest Service suspended the Draft Environmental Impact Study for a Wyoming Black Hills mountaintop-removal mine that would take rare earth minerals in the Belle Fourche watershed.

At least 23 prehistoric sites near Devils Tower National Monument, some of which are archaeological treasures eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, are also at risk to an 8000-acre expansion of Australia’s largest US aquifer uranium mining operation.

$20 bucks says the black bears, wolves, and moose sighted in the Black Hills are migrating from the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming down the Tongue River across the Powder to the Pumpkin Buttes where the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers begin then go up Beaver Creek near Newcastle into upper Castle Creek and down Rapid Creek to the Black Fox/Rochford area.

South Dakota delegation embraces Soviet farm economy

Bake a man a pie and he'll learn to divide by seven but teach a man piety and he'll crucify the apples then say they died for his sins.

Senator John Thune (earth hater-SD) is already notorious for encouraging moral hazard and adding a layer of government overreach bureaupublicanism on fighting wildfires.
Thune said Tuesday that he appreciates the intent of President Donald Trump's push to ensure agricultural producers get as much help as possible, but says the plan provides a "false and short-term" sense of security. Republican Sen. Mike Rounds called the plan a "partial fix," but praised the administration's recognition of the harm market instability is causing farmers. A spokeswoman for GOP Rep. Kristi Noem says she's reviewing the plan. [Sen. John Thune: Farm tariff relief plan 'merely a Band-Aid']
Kristi has sucked up nearly $4 million in ag policy pork. She and John Thune are on the DC Obamacare exchange.

South Dakota owns loads of the means of production: part of the very definition of socialism.
Thune has heard a number of concerns with respect to the accuracy of the Drought Monitor, especially given its use in determining grazing disaster assistance through programs administered by the Farm Service Agency. Among these concerns is a frustration that USDA does not fully utilize data gathered by existing reporting stations to determine indemnities for insured grazing losses under the Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance Program that is administered by the Risk Management Agency. [After Hearing Constituents’ Concerns, Thune Introduces Legislation to Improve Accuracy of U.S. Drought Monitor]
A Vale ranch pair lied to the Farm Service Agency after a blizzard buried parts of western South Dakota.
The offense carries maximum penalties of five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release. In a Journal interview following the storm, Karl Knutson said he had been checking cattle and fences on the ranch of his father, Dale, east of Sturgis. [Rapid City Journal]
A farm bill laden with subsidies and ecocide has passed from a house committee.
In an audio statement, Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) said, "I know a lot of you are calving right now, and these calves and cows are in danger. There are two farm programs available as a safety net for you. The first is the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), and it's there to help mitigate the cost of some of those losses. That program will reimburse you for 75 percent of the market value of livestock that are lost due to a storm like we see here this weekend. The second is Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP), which is there to help with secondary losses. Both programs are administered by your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office, so please stay in touch with them if losses were to occur. [Friday the 13th brings harsh April blizzard]
Real conservatives at the Heritage Foundation have called for subsidy reform for years. Both Kristi Noem and Mike Rounds have taken handouts. Noem frequently calls for a socialized Black Hills timber industry to placate Hulett, Wyoming-based donor, Neiman Enterprises.

South Dakota's Republican congressional delegation has been obstructing attempts by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to streamline the agency weaning support from a Spearditch hatchery known for introducing invasive species in Black Hills watersheds and into the waters of the United States.

Socialized agriculture, socialized livestock production, socialized coal and a socialized timber industry: South Dakota truly is a perpetual welfare state and a permanent disaster area.

The State of South Dakota continues to not give a shit

Today's intersection is at water and the State of South Dakota's commitment to end all life as we know it.
The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks plans to stock approximately 7,000 – 10,000 Atlantic salmon, 8-10 inches in length, at Whitlock Bay on Lake Oahe this fall. During the public comment period, approximately 86 percent of respondents were in favor or neutral regarding this stocking and 14 percent of anglers were opposed to Atlantic salmon stockings for various reasons. [Atlantic Salmon Trial Enters Final Phase]
Translation: nobody gives a shit.
A meeting hosted by the Missouri Sedimentation Action Coalition (MSAC) and featuring several agencies and individuals with vested interests or concerns about the issue was convened in Yankton. The request for a study must be made by a taxing entity, which MSAC is not. So, someone will have to take up that mantle to get this thing rolling. [Sedimentation: It’s Time For Action]
Translation: it costs too much to give a shit.
Ganje: Mr/Ms Government, in this conversation I wish to discuss government inertia in our rapidly changing world. In the past I submitted recommendations to you on topics concerning natural resources, property law and environmental oversight. So my question then to you Mr/Ms Government is simple. Have you adopted any of these suggestions? Even in part? Government: Well, no we have not. The government must always be vigilant and prevent the public from taking part in issues which properly concern the public. [David Ganje: A conversation between Mr. Ganje and South Dakota]
Translation: the State of South Dakota doesn't give a shit so fuck you and have a nice day.

Republicans are evil.


Black Hills bear at risk to white gun nuts, Republicans

$20 bucks says the black bears, wolves, and moose sighted in the Black Hills are migrating from the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming down the Tongue River across the Powder to the Pumpkin Buttes where the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers begin then go up Beaver Creek near Newcastle into upper Castle Creek and down Rapid Creek to the Black Fox/Rochford area.
The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks verified a photo submitted by Jonathan Deuter, a hunter who enjoys wildlife art. The bear photos were automatically snapped by Deuter's motion-sensing trail camera. [Rapid City Journal]
If history is any guide, locals will just kill the offending bear like they do with moose, elk, cougars and their kittens.
State wildlife officers are investigating the poaching last Friday of a young bull moose believed to be the same animal that was seen and photographed during recent weeks in Custer State Park and at Pactola Reservoir. [Rapid City Journal]
How would the presence of moose, wolves and bears in the Black Hills not automatically make them candidates for endangered species protection?

Because Republicans are evil.


US governors convene in Santa Fe

Yes, that is the back of South Dakota Governor Denny Daugaard's head in the Santa Fe New Mexican photo below.

Hey, Governor Bullock don’t shank Montana like Brian Schweitzer did. Run for the the seat Steve Daines warms. Bullock is leaving office a winner; Daugaard is leaving as a failure who divided his own political party and made South Dakota a perpetual welfare state and permanent disaster area.

South Dakota descending into violent white nationalism

Gateway Pundit is being suspended from some social media sites because it's a propaganda mouthpiece for the extreme wrong wing of the Republican Party.
After he was arrested earlier this week by authorities in South Dakota, Mark Einerwold immediately became a character in an ongoing narrative within conservative media, where he was depicted as the latest example of a left-wing domestic terror threat. His "likes" include the Tea Party, online conservative personality Graham Allen and the pro-police movement Blue Lives Matter. Just last month, in fact, Einerwold posted a news report about Antifa -- though he hardly endorsed the group. "This is what the social justice looks like," he wrote. "These are the people taking over our campuses. They are militant, they are dangerous." [Right-wing media called him a leftist terrorist. He appears to be a pro-gun conservative]
A 50 year old white nationalist Brandon woman and her teenage son are in jail facing multiple charges after an arsenal of guns and ammunition were found in a reinforced basement room of her home.

According to court documents a Dallas, South Dakota man made several comments about blowing up a Veterans Affairs hospital.

Butte County is a hotbed of extralegal foment stirred into action by Cliven Bundy sympathizer former state Senator Betty Olson. A fervent christianist with ties to the American Lands Council she routinely posts hate-filled Facebook memes and screeds that incite violence against Latinos and target African-American politicians and celebrities.

Self-proclaimed 'sovereign citizen' Wendel Hiland faced 300 years in prison after he was arrested and charged in 2013 with 30 counts of abuse of a minor over the age of seven. He raped a minor, forced her into a child marriage and has called Attorney General Marty Jackley "as crooked as they come." A pipe bomb was found on a highway east of Belle Fourche in 2012.

As James Van Nuys puts the finishing touches on his statue of Barack Obama Democrats are privately discussing its safety in racist Rapid City where Confederate flags routinely fly showing support for racism in like-minded states, South Carolina and Mississippi. Many more come out during the Sturgis Rally.

Even the semi-official bulletin for the South Dakota Republican Party, Dakota War College, bullies women and threatens harm to Democrats and conservatives who want to end SDGOP's culture of corruption.

These events are not accidents or coincidences. Mark Einerwold is a graduate of Dell Rapids High School in the governor's home town. Denny and Linda Daugaard posed for Halloween photos one year as the racist couple from Duck Dynasty.

Which parts of six month winters, record suicide rates, rampant racism, chilling effects on civil rights, a repressive law enforcement industry, easy access to firearms and an extremist legislature escape you people?

Flee South Dakota while you still can.


Olson: Mike Rounds embarrassing

Republican former legislator Betty Olson is embarrassed.

The Dakota Progressive can't thank Betty Olson enough for allowing me to recruit principled conservatives as third party and unaffiliated candidates from her Facebook page!

Betty Olson shared a post.
July 19 at 4:31 PM ·
As a life-time resident of South Dakota, Rounds is extremely embarrassing.

Nelson "disgusted" with SDGOP establishment

Republican South Dakota state Senator Stace Nelson is mad as hell at his political party and tilting toward a move to the Constitution Party.

Lame duck Denny visits New Mexico

Yes, that is the back of Governor Denny Daugaard's head in the Santa Fe New Mexican photo below.

Hey, Governor Bullock don’t shank Montana like Brian Schweitzer did. Run for the the seat Steve Daines warms. Bullock is leaving office a winner; Daugaard is leaving as a failure who divided his own political party and made South Dakota a perpetual welfare state and permanent disaster area.


Howie recruiting principled conservatives for Constitution Party

He's running.
I am just no longer willing to belong to a Party whose leadership is more concerned with political expedience and their next election than they are with principle. My choice, for this time, is to work toward effecting change from outside the Republican Party. I have changed my Party affiliation to the Constitution Party. You may be interested in some of the things that encouraged me to make this choice. I invite you to join me. [Should You Join The Constitution Party?]
Curious Gordon Howie didn't mention the Libertarian Party of South Dakota in his post since Gideon Oakes is likely going to win in D30.
In South Dakota, the Constitution Party is going to be the Tea Party on steroids. It is the worst nightmare of the Party bosses who have had a strangle-hold on their respective parties. [Gordon Howie]
There is a mass exodus underway from the SDGOP and there isn’t a single story about it in the South Dakota media. If the Constitution Party holds together, nominates candidates for statewide offices and survives the eventual legal challenges from Dan Lederman it's curtains for the South Dakota Republican Party.

Principled conservatives are sick of being lied to by Zionist mob boss Lederman and are already fighting back against the South Dakota Republican Party insiders in Rapid City. Pierre is broken and the only way to fix it is to have Republicans lose several races to Democrats. South Dakota's most ardent citizens for liberty are recruiting conservatives to run not just in statewide elections but for the legislature, too.

Rick Kriebel and John Fitzgerald are among the refugees fleeing to the CP.

Fact is: the best way to a strong two party system in South Dakota is for arch-conservatives to launch an alt-right party.

King, Lederman high on pink slime?

Steve King and Dan Lederman make pink slime look um um good.
I found myself looking at my own personal ledger. And what I found, was that I owe a debt for many things. I am so far in the red, I need to start paying that tremendous debt back. Because these are debts I owe to my family for their love and support over the years. [Dan Lederman]
Sleaze and crime built Dan's business. He spent $50,000 to buy a seat in the legislature flaunting the same class by throwing it away resigning after the 2015 session then forcing his way into the chair of South Dakota's earth hater party.
When a HuffPost reporter on Capitol Hill Tuesday asked King about his retweet of a neo-Nazi, the congressman said all of his tweets are “true and objective.” On Wednesday, when the same reporter asked King if he is a white supremacist or a white nationalist, the congressman didn’t deny the allegation. Zoé Samudzi, co-author of the book As Black As Resistance, says King is a white nationalist and sees a couple possible explanations for why the GOP is so quiet about King. Republicans, she told HuffPost, either see King as “a problem and are too afraid of bucking party convention” to denounce him. Or “they’re similarly invested in the politics that he holds.” [Steve King Is A White Supremacist, And The GOP Doesn’t Care]
It's no secret The Dakota Progressive would like to see Israel rolled back to 1917 borders and its Jewish inhabitants moved to Utah or Nevada; but Dan Lederman is a Zionist and a Jewish activist. That he chums around with Steve King says far more about Lederman than it does about King.

A judge appointed by Republican South Dakota Governor Denny Daugaard heard the case brought against ABC News for its role in dubbing so-called lean, finely textured beef "pink slime."

Dakota Dunes-based Beef Products says it was forced to close three of its four plants and erase hundreds of jobs after consumers realized what is in the crap. Using ammonia to reduce bacteria BPI had a processing plant in Iowa but moved its headquarters to South Dakota to take advantage of the state's regressive tax structure. According to court documents released to the Associated Press the slaughter house was in the business clique that raised concerns about a state official GOP Iowa Governor Terry Branstad tried to force from office. Branstad was then picked by the corrupt Trump White House to replace Montana's Max Baucus as Ambassador to China. BPI donates generously to Republican candidates like King and to South Dakota's GOP delegation.

King believes the Supreme Court of the United States has no authority to rule on marriage equality, routinely waxes poetic about his white supremacist proclivities and makes pink slime look pure...mostly. Iowa deserves King: he is one of the least effective members of Congress and suffers some of the lowest approval ratings in the US.

China needs trade with the United States like South Dakota needs meth. It is mystifying why she would buy agricultural and meat products knowing it's all contaminated with atrazine, neonicotinoids, glyphosate, antibiotics like agrimicin 200, bovine somatotropin (bST) and pathogenic agents that lead to prion diseases. In another post, Scheuer speculates that “wealthy Jewish-Americans” and “the foreign-born Obama” are trying to undermine democracy. https://t.co/4cND8j9s1x— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) July 19, 2018


Wieczorek no threat to Bjorkman

Ron Wieczorek submitted around 4,000 signatures for his unaffiliated run for South Dakota's lone US House seat.
He isn’t critical of President Trump’s recent tariffs, noting that “25 years of free trade has brought the American manufacturers to its knees.” [Yankton Press & Dakotan]
If Wieczorek takes 6% of the earth hater vote, George Hendickson takes 6% and the Constitution Party's candidate Neal Tapio takes at least 6% Democrat Tim Bjorkman will sail into office without even breaking a sweat especially now after it's been revealed the earth hater nominee has ties to the Russian mob.

Cook Political Report has yet to rate the contest.


Constitution Party squabble could lead to election of new officers

Updates in the comments.


In an exclusive interview Lori Stacey told The Dakota Progressive the national party chair has been "sliming" her for years and has even threatened her physically. She said many in the party want him out and that he "has been a problem for many good people" but that he "will now be toast."

Gordon Howie is bankrupt huckster who wants Stacey's job and Lora Hubbel is a perennial political opportunist. Neither have changed their registration from the earth hater party to the Constitution Party but wanted to be included in selecting candidates anyway. Stacey said they just "messed everything up" and made the convention look like "a laughing stock." They drove people away who would have run for office and that Howie and Hubbel hijacked the gathering instead of letting her (Stacey) preside over it as planned. "They we're stupid snakes and cost us everything I fought for. Some of these people were my friends and they stabbed me and the party," she said.

In an interesting aside, Howie's longtime sidekick, Ed Randazzo slammed Stacey saying Nurse Ratched of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest fame would be a better choice to restore order.

So far Stacey is rejecting the idea of inviting a successor but is conceding the election of new officers is not impossible because of the potential power the party wields in statewide elections.

The party expects to reconvene 14 August. Above photo lifted from Ken Santema.

If the CP holds together, nominates candidates for statewide offices and survives the eventual legal challenge from Zionist Dan Lederman it's curtains for the South Dakota Republican Party.


Howie: SDGOP is toast

He's running.
In South Dakota, the Constitution Party is going to be the Tea Party on steroids. It is the worst nightmare of the Party bosses who have had a strangle-hold on their respective parties. [Gordon Howie]
Principled conservatives are sick of being lied to by Zionist mob boss Dan Lederman and are already fighting back against the South Dakota Republican Party insiders in Rapid City. Pierre is broken and the only way to fix it is to have Republicans lose several races to Democrats. Fact is: the best way to a strong two party system in South Dakota is for arch-conservatives to launch an alt-right party. South Dakota's most ardent citizens for liberty are recruiting conservatives to run not just in statewide elections but for the legislature, too.

Liz May, Tonchi Weaver, Steve Livermont, Dan Kaiser, Neal Tapio, Shad Olson, Florence Thompson, Stace Nelson, Gordon Howie, Lora Hubbel and Scott Jones could be among candidates fleeing the SDGOP for the Libertarian and Constitution Parties.

Recall former South Dakota state senator Dan Lederman, now chairman of the earth hater party in the state, along with fellow Jewish-American Joel Arends teamed up with Islamophobe and whackjob of the nth order, Frank Gaffney, for an event in Sioux Falls.

Conservative christianist Libertarian Party nominee Kurt Evans could be a major spoiler for Kristi Noem's earth hater party in November.

Democratic attorney general candidate Randy Seiler just got a huge break in that race after the earth haters nominated judicial neophyte Jason Ravnsborg. A source inside the Constitution Party expects a big name to announce for the US House and a third candidate will announce for the gubernatorial race on Monday. They’re hoping former Republican attorney general candidate John Fitzgerald will defect and run for the CP nomination. Janette McIntyre defected from SDGOP.

With the petitions filed for an unaffiliated candidate, a Libertarian and the Constitution Party expected to field a contender South Dakota's lone US House seat is no longer safe Republican.

Having principled conservatives running outside the South Dakota Republican Party and eroding support for Noem, Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson and short, fat, white guy Ravnsborg the earth haters will lose every seat at the top of the November ticket!

The CP state convention begins today in Sioux Falls.

$20 says Lederman is on the phone right this minute offering money and bribes to every potential CP candidate trying to persuade them not to run.


Lakota Oglala Oyate embraces self-reliance

Tribes don’t want help from the State of South Dakota or any other western state unless it’s government to government.

Historically unserved or underserved by conventional financial institutions Native communities have been largely isolated from the food web. At least one American Indian tribe in South Dakota has shown interest in operating an abattoir where horse meat is an economic development opportunity. So, in an era when western states are scrambling to preserve habitat for bison, wapiti, bighorn sheep, pronghorns, deer, the threatened Greater sage grouse and all the other wildlife at risk to the Republican Party how is running nurseries for introduced species like wild horses and burros either conservative or sustainable?

East River South Dakota has been destroyed but West River can still be saved.
The buffalo nation is strong. Its circle is being mended. These were the thoughts Bamm Brewer shared at the Grand Opening ceremony for the Charging Buffalo Meat House, the reservation’s first meat processing facility, located 6 miles west of Pine Ridge Village. Created with funding from One Spirit, a Native American service organization founded to assist and support this nation’s First People, the meat house is the brainchild of Jeri Baker, the group’s director and Brewer, the organization’s food manager. “Right now, we’re feeding, providing food for, about 5,000 people,” Baker commented. “But when you look at the diet-related disease that’s here, 50 percent of the people have diabetes. Many more are at risk of diabetes. Traditionally, that was not the case. Historically, diabetes was unknown among this population.” The facility currently employs 8 to 10 people. But within the next 4 to 5 years as the tribe’s buffalo herd grows, and as the first meat processing house on Pine Ridge begins providing services to local cattlemen and contributing to the reservation’s economy, the sky could be the limit. [Jim Kent, Lakota Country Times]
Human successes hunting with dogs likely contributed to the extinction of several species and the domestication of some camelids maybe for 11,000 years.

Should rewilding efforts seek to restore sustainable wild lands to Pleistocene Era conditions or let the Anthropocene lay waste desertifying precious resources changing the landscape forever leaving survivors to cleave out habitable zones forsaking native species?

The relatively small distance between the Canadian River in New Mexico and the Missouri at Fort Peck reminds me again how the earliest humans in North America thwarted by glaciers, the dire wolf, and Smilodon on everything north of the Sangre de Cristos terminating at Santa Fe, blazed the Pecos Trail from west to east into the southern Great Plains and Mississippi Valley to find an inland paradise teeming with prey.

Northern Colorado has just added a bison herd. The Oglala, Pawnee and Comanche National Grasslands are not far away. The Thunder Basin National Grassland in Wyoming is managed from offices in Colorado. The Fort Pierre National Grassland in South Dakota is managed from Nebraska and the Grand River National Grassland is managed from North Dakota.

It merely takes the political will to build corridors for bison, other ungulates and their associated predators over public and leased private land into the Oglala National Grassland in Nebraska, Wyoming's Thunder Basin National Grassland to North and South Dakota then to the Northern Cheyenne, Crow and Fort Peck nations in Montana.

After bison reach sustainable levels agreed upon by the stakeholders fit private and other public herds like the one at Wind Cave National Park with microchips to join the public herd and be harvested according to the market or population pressures. Hybrid herds should be assessed on a case by case basis and some individuals could join the main herd.

The South Dakota Democratic Party should advocate for paying the tribes and settling the Black Hills Claim, dissolving the Black Hills National Forest, moving management of the land from the US Department of Agriculture into the Department of Interior in cooperation with Bureau of Indian Affairs Division of Forestry and Wildfire Management. Mato Paha (Bear Butte), the associated national grasslands and the Sioux Ranger District of the Custer/Gallatin National Forest should be included in the move.

Rewild it and rename it Okawita Paha National Monument eventually becoming part of the Greater Missouri Basin National Wildlife Refuge connecting the CM Russell Wildlife Refuge in Montana along the Missouri River to Oacoma, South Dakota combined with corridors from Yellowstone National Park to the Yukon in the north and south to the Canadian River through Nebraska, eastern Colorado, western Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas.

Pillager pets pig

Pot: meet crack.

What do these two men have in common other than being earth haters? They're both crooks and lying sacks of shit.


Stuefen leaves governor's economic post

Randy Stuefen is also a St. Mary's alumnus and was a senior when I was a freshman at Elkton High School.

As many young Elkton men did he went into the US Air Force after graduation during the Vietnam era then returned home to enroll at South Dakota State University on the GI Bill. In those days returning service members brought Sansui and Pioneer stereo equipment back to the States. He turned me on to Mason Proffit, Commander Cody, Dr. Hook, Thai stick, Panama Red and Michoacán.

Around 1972 he and his brother, my boyhood friend Roger, left their folks' house and rented a space in the Hawrysh Apartments in Brookings and I moved to Minneapolis for a year. Roger dropped out during his first semester at SDSU right after their mother died and moved to Mitchell for technical school. In '73 Randy introduced me to Mark (Spiro) Speirs, Paul Anderson and Gary (Hairy) Ellingson when they lived in the Sugar Shack near downtown Brookings after I enrolled at SDSU.

When Paul got married in the mid-80s Spiro, Art Young and i enlisted Spearditch pilot Mark Farrier to fly us to Madison for the wedding and during our return flight a tornadic thunderstorm forced us to land at the Pierre Airport. By sheer coincidence as we were walking out to get something to eat Randy and his wife, Betty just happened to be driving by, took us to dinner then put us up for the night.

After graduate school Randy moved to Vermillion, joined the University of South Dakota faculty then developed a theory of South Dakota’s dual rural and urban economies. Last we met was at the Bay Leaf Cafe in Spearditch somewhere around 1997.

Stuefen joined SD Governor Denny Daugaard's Council of Economic Advisers in 2012 and was just succeeded by former SDSU president David Chicoine.

Randy must be exceedingly disappointed he's leaving while South Dakota’s economy is in the shitter.

South Dakota Democrats Embrace Roundup-Ready Hemp

For the record, this blog can't support widespread growing of industrial cannabis (hemp), especially on tribal lands: it is an invasive species capable of overgrowing native grasses.

The bad news is that the newly-released platform and resolutions adopted by the South Dakota Democratic Party at their state convention make no mention of cannabis but they do adopt language that explores the cultivation of dicamba-resistant and Roundup-Ready hemp. Why anyone would want to buy genetically modified hemp seed from Bayer CropScience/Monsanto or some other earth hater every year remains a mystery.

The good news is that after buggering state law they have the opportunity to reconvene and address their mistakes.

Alcohol use goes down in states where cannabis is available legally while Big Pharma capitalizes on cannabis for the treatment of epilepsy.
Last month’s vote in Oklahoma to legalize medical marijuana caught a lot of people by surprise. Who knew such a deeply red state would embrace cannabis in a 57% landslide? [Red States Are Embracing Cannabis Legalization, Expanding Access]
In a related story, South Dakota's young adults are becoming increasingly depressed because of frustration with an extremist legislature bent on ending civil liberties.

Lake Mitchell: red state failure on parade

It isn't the heat; it's the stupidity.

Instead of suing industrial agriculture for its role in making Lake Mitchell a shit hole the City of Mitchell is out begging the feds to pay for the cleanup. Advisories to avoid contact with the lake have been issued due to chlorophyll and phosphorus contamination. Even visitation to Mitchell's Corn Palace is evaporating because of the stench. Why has a Nebraska firm been retained to do the work? Because apparently there are no companies in South Dakota with the expertise. Anyone who believes it's only going to cost $7.62 million to fix Lake Mitchell is delusional.
Currently, the lake is tested in three locations once a week from mid-May through September, and each test costs between $40 and $60. The samples are sent to Nebraska to be tested, as there is no testing equipment closer. That means it takes several days to get the results of the tests. It was agreed at the meeting that more frequent testing needs to be done to have enough data to get grant money, and some suggestions on how to do this included hiring an intern to perform the tests, purchasing testing equipment to eliminate the need to send the samples to Nebraska. [Mitchell Daily Republic]
It's not just Lake Mitchell.

By the most recent data, with the highest number in the US, 29 lakes in South Dakota are at risk mostly because of poor agricultural practices. What do you expect when earth hater Eldon Roth of Beef Products, Inc. is South Dakota's fattest donor?

And where is Mitchell native Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson? Raising money for his own self-gratification, of course.

These episodes aren't self-reliance; they're moral hazard.


Montana Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers spotlighted for worshiping Trump

Kevin Christofferson and Christopher Lebsock preach from the Diocese of Helena; Garrett Nelson and Ryan Erlenbush minister in the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings.
A Roman Catholic bishop in Montana has criticized four priests who attended President Donald Trump's rally in Great Falls last week for wearing their black clerical garb while prominently seated in the front row directly behind the president. Bishop Michael Warfel of the Great Falls-Billings diocese was not aware the priests would be in attendance and was shocked to see them in a prominent location in clerical attire, he said in a letter posted on the diocese's Facebook page. [Great Falls Tribune]
Like a dozen other US Roman churches have done the Helena, Montana chapter of the sect faced 362 claims of sexual abuse and filed for bankruptcy.

Both South Dakota dioceses are up to their areolae in debt to the white christianic ruling class for covering up crimes committed by pederastic priests in Catholic congregations and the state's legislature has engaged in obstruction of justice for decades.

Catholicism is hope like syphilis is charity.


US Attorney for the District of South Dakota attends PRIDE event

Pandering plague Pat Powers is skewering Democratic attorney general nominee Randy Seiler for attending a South Dakota PRIDE event in Pierre even though the Trump-appointed US Attorney for the District of South Dakota attended a similar event in June in Sioux Falls.
The U.S. Department of Justice enforces a number of laws that prohibit various forms of discrimination in areas covering employment, education, housing, police practices, and other Department-funded programs. Although these laws do not explicitly refer to sexual orientation or gender identity, they prohibit sex discrimination, which protects all people from gender-based discrimination. If you believe you have been discriminated against, or that your civil rights have been violated, please contact the Civil Rights Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office by calling (605) 330-4400, or by sending an email to Alison.Ramsdell@usdoj.gov. [U.S. Attorney’s Office Participates in Sioux Falls PRIDE Festival]
Under the guise of "serving his country" Seiler's short guy, earth hater opponent is really just a mercenary for the military/industrial complex, likely afoul of the Hatch Act and might even come in third.

Pernicious Pug Powers, who makes a stopped clock look like a well-greased machine, salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases who threaten and jeer his political enemies. Most of his seventeen kids suffer from horrible afflictions.

That SDGOP condones, encourages and even pays Pat Powers to threaten, malign, bully and libel women while their party standard-bearers preach the protection of women is a measure of hypocrisy that strains human gauges.

He has long been banned from this and other South Dakota related sites because of a constant stream of bigotry, misogyny and other hate speech.

Thune selling out Indian County

During a speech to donors in Sioux Falls Sen. John Thune (earth hater-SD) said access to telecommunications is just too hard for some rural areas.
New FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, proposed an order to change the way ISPs are classified and how they operate. The FCC’s proposal could -- and likely will -- drastically affect the internet as you know it. Chairman Pai is touting the proposal as an opportunity for consumers as well as providers, but many people believe consumers in low-income areas and areas with little or no infrastructure, such as Indian reservations, will suffer the most. [Native Sun News posted at indianz]
Republicans hate American Indians, too.
The Federal Communications Commission is refusing to reverse a decision that will take a broadband subsidy away from many American Indians. The petitioners' court case against the FCC is ongoing, with final briefs from both sides due by August 27. [FCC stands by decision to raise broadband prices on American Indians]
Thune is a top recipient of dollars from telecom.

The paper trail is clear: John Thune colluded and conspired with the Trump Organization as Russia and Cambridge Analytica infiltrated Facebook.

South Dakota eschews good health

South Dakota is run by fat, mentally ill people.
The best exercise rates in the Mount Rushmore State can be found with non-working men, ages 18-64. with nearly a third (28.9 percent) engaging in regular physical activity. Non-working women in South Dakota have the state's lowest exercise levels, with just under ten percent (9.8 percent) participating. [KSOO]
A study recently published in the Journal of Rural Health found the suicide rate for farmers is not only the highest of any occupation in America, it's spiking because of a lack of ready access to mental health care services.

Which parts of six month winters, rampant racism, chilling effects on civil rights and an extremist legislature escape you people?


Aanning: South Dakota still covering up Folkens' wrongful death

Republican South Dakota State Senator Stace Nelson describes his experience trying to track down documents in Brady Folkens' wrongful death as being fraught with "BS excuses and obfuscation."
Take home points: Death certificates of patients who die from mistakes, errors, or accidents by physicians or hospitals almost never reveal that sad fact - and that their dying from complications was largely preventable. Example: when seventeen-year old Brady Folkens suddenly died on December 21, 2013, while in a South Dakota juvenile detention facility, the pathologist listed the cause of death as coming from a virus, despite multiple tests showing Brady never had a virus infection. We believe the state authorities pressured the pathologist to produce a Death Certificate covering up the medical negligence causing Brady Folkens' death... [Dr. Lars Aanning]
The State of South Dakota and Sioux Valley Hospital split the burden of a $1.25 Million settlement after the death of Gina Score.


Minnesota adds autism to therapeutic cannabis schedule

At least one Minnesotan touts the benefits of surgical genital mutilation as a treatment for gender dysphoria while condemning other treatments but people suffering from autism and obstructive sleep apnea are able to seek relief in that state with therapeutic cannabis enrolling in July then picking up their medication on the first of August.

The North Dakota Department of Health will begin accepting applications for operators of therapeutic cannabis dispensaries next week. Grassroots Cannabis in Fargo and Pure Dakota LLC in Bismarck are still being registered. In 2016 North Dakota voters passed Measure 5 legalizing cannabis for some patients and last year the legislature drafted rules then a Republican governor signed it into law. US Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) has joined Colorado's congressional delegation in the effort to ensure state cannabis policies are respected by the feds.

Both Minnesota and North Dakota expect to legalize for all adults.

But, North Dakota's repressive neighbor to the south is among the states hit hardest by opioid abuse and hopelessness. Even the South Dakota State Medical Association contends that although "marijuana and dronabinol decreased pain" the fact that it is illegal makes it less effective as a therapy. The South Dakota Republican Party has even adopted a platform that punishes people seeking relief from intractable pain and suffering.

Petulant plague Pat Powers' pathetic progeny have been going untreated for autism. No doubt his obesity exacerbates his sleep apnea, too. Morbidly obese Powers believes letting teens get skin cancer is okay and that usury is a divine right.

Black market cannabis not tested or subject to inspection makes America less safe. Democrats in blue states already understand the added value of talking legal cannabis during their campaigns and some red state Democrats get it, too; but so far this election cycle South Dakota Democrats believe that state is just too fragile for cannabis rights.

Legalizing and regulating a product that so many people enjoy is reasonable public policy aligned with life/safety concerns.