Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Judge Bjorkman sharpening message, crushing Howdy Doody Dusty in P&D poll

Former judge and Democratic US House hopeful, Tim Bjorkman, is running away with an online poll being conducted by the Yankton Press & Dakotan.
I am revisiting a topic, in three parts, that I posted early in the campaign. The issues these posts raise are at the core of the deepest problems we face in our state and nation: poverty, increased government aid, exploding healthcare costs, prison overcrowding, increases in violent crime, rural decline, stagnant economic growth, and a lack of workforce availability for business expansion. [Bjorkman for US House]
Provided sanctuary to the exodus from the South Dakota Republican Party a Constitution Party candidate is expected to announce for US House this week giving Bjorkman the cushion he needs to defeat earth hater Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson.

Terrified by the threat of violence wracking the Republican Party and bullied by the SDGOP establishment Lora Hubbel has fled and announced for South Dakota governor as a member of the Constitution Party. Many are saying SDGOP could lose 25% of their support to the Constitution Party in November and CP officials are reminding attendees to their upcoming convention to be sure to register.

Readers can vote at the P&D poll here.

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