Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Earth haters plead with girl staters not to give up on chemical toilet

So we didn't have to David Lias of the Vermillion Plain Talk covered last Thursday's marathon mass Republican mansplaining to the South Dakota Girls State in Aalfs Auditorium on the University of South Dakota campus.

The state's junior US Senator pleaded with the throng to ignore financial successes imploring them to seek jobs in Pierre but Mike Rounds failed to remind the young women about six month winters, rampant racism, chilling effects on civil rights, an extremist legislature or to wear body cameras in the capital's predatory environment.
“Focus on whether or not, when it’s all said and done, whether you feel good about what you’re contributing,” he said. “There are people in the world that work really, really hard to get a lot of money, but when it’s all done, they can’t take it with them. They can have a nice life, but there are people who are simply takers. They get it and they take. Don’t do that. Be someone who gives back, as well. [Rounds: Don’t Give Up On South Dakota]
Earth hater Marty Jackley talked about himself, about his white privilege, his degree in electrical engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, his law degree from the University of South Dakota School of Law and his work as an attorney at a Rapid City law firm.
At age 34, Jackley said he was given a wonderful opportunity by Sen. John Thune to become a United States Attorney in South Dakota. He admitted that his office, with armed personnel, is a very different setting than a school. “I’ve taken precautions,” Jackley said. “I carry a firearm with me more often in my vehicle because of those threats. The threats have really been centered on me, though, and not my family, but obviously I’m with my family often so in certain instances you’ll see a DCI (Division of Criminal Investigation) agent nearby. I think there’s probably one here right now.” [Jackley Dares Girls State Delegates To Follow Dreams]
Denny Daugaard was too ashamed and embarrassed to talk about South Dakota being the only state without at least one gold or silver medal school. He left out South Dakota's culture of corruption, crony capitalism, the state's federal dependence and a flat line economy. Also avoiding talk about protective body cams, he talked to delegates about seeking internships, positions as aides or as pages in the South Dakota Legislature. And in a feat of product placement he pimped for his former boy toy, Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson.
“Dusty got involved by helping other people who were campaigning for elective office,” Daugaard said. “By helping those people who are running for office, you get an inside view of how people campaign for office.” [Governor To Girls Staters: Show Up And Participate]
More evidence of Denny Daugaard's failures: a third of qualified teaching grads leave South Dakota while the remainder struggle with certification. There are no checks on executive power and the governor's cronies routinely raid the state's general fund. The state is second in addiction to gambling and teachers' salaries surf the bottom of the US. Wage slavery is the state's biggest claim to fame and South Dakota dairies are wreaking habitat havoc. Infrastructure is crumbling and the state's bureaucracy is overbearing and unwieldy. Ag groups want federally subsidized crop insurance and the right to pollute. Corruption and graft have become ordinary. Hatred of immigrants threatens the state's already hurting tourism economy.

But, applaud the nutball green-ooze-from-Lake Mitchell Republicans diverting attention from covered up state murders by clogging the primary season with gun-totin' christianic religionist argle-bargle.

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