
Malik preparing for District 31 race

Canton native now Spearfish Democrat Naveen Malik is finishing her petition process to run for the South Dakota Statehouse.
Naveen Malik took biology at Harvard. She graduated from Northwestern. But after taking classes at those elite institutions, Naveen says the personal connections she’s formed at Black Hills State University have made all the difference in her success as a student. Naveen is a nontraditional student with a nontraditional story. She served as the new media director for President Barack Obama’s campaign for President in his home state of Illinois. When President Obama won the election, Naveen was selected for a political appointment through the White House and worked at the Pentagon. [BHSU news]
She represented Islam at a BHSU Geek Speak panel showcasing and discussing religious diversity.

Brooke Abdallah is chair of the Lawrence County Democrats.

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