Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


Today in gun control: tax the hell out of them.

Just say it: radical christianic terrorism.

Good guy with a gun=white guy; bad guy with a gun=brown guy. Just like Republicans use the Second Amendment as white privilege, "pro-life" is about white people breeding. Nickolas Cruz, Stephen Paddock, Timothy McVeigh, Dylann Roof, Adam Lanza, Robert Dear, James Holmes, Eric Rudolph, Jared Loughner, Wade Michael Page, Ted Kaczynski and Eric Frein all are or were christians.

Since the alleged jihadist attacks on September 11, 2001 homegrown terrorists have killed nearly twice as many people in the United States than foreign-influenced militants have. 60% of guns recovered in crimes in Chicago come from outside the state.

Is this how Americans really want to live? Carry rifles and sidearms into every bar, church, and arena? A gun is like a lawyer: you carry one around long enough and sooner or later you're going to use it.

As white nationalists drive gun violence in the United Snakes South Dakota churches are bracing for the worst.
Organizers say nearly 60 people from churches as far away as North Dakota have signed up to attend the seminar, which will take place Friday and Saturday at Outreach Community Church in Box Elder. The Rev. Barry Young, who will lead the training, is vice president of Church Security Ministries for Strategos International, a Kansas City-based security training and consulting organization. The cost of the seminar is $99 for one day or $159 for both days.
Get the story here.

Red states are not going to fix their own problems.

Only We the People can slow these people down. Local law enforcement is only as effective as a legislature wants it to be.

Gun carrying people are saying they are being responsible (but won't be held liable) for our safety if the rest of us don’t, or refuse to, carry.

Thomas Jefferson believed a standing army and the right to bear arms are mutually exclusive.

Stand your ground has become vigilante justice because the courts are overwhelmed with suspects in the war on drugs, our communities are becoming armed camps and we’re barricaded in our homes afraid to let our kids go to school.

How many more people will be caught in or die from as yet uncounted crossfires?

Wyoming is most heavily armed state, South Dakota is number 22. The hypocrisy of Republicans wanting to arm teachers while systematically ending funding for public education is simply barefaced drunkenness.

American churches have brought this on themselves since radical christianity has murdered millions but you know what scares me?

Donald Trump has escalated his war on civilians and someone seeking retaliation could roll a truck bomb into Rapid City Central or Sioux Falls Lincoln High School after an Ellsworth-based drone pilot or some jock from the 114th Fighter Wing targets a wedding party or religious service.

Prohibition doesn't work: raise the age of possession, operation and ownership to 21, levy 100% excise taxes on the sales and gifting of the weapons on Senator Diane Feinstein's list then tag the revenue for Medicaid expansion.

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