
Jackley hints at cannabis treatment for opioid use disorder

In the recent past Marty Jackley has hinted he'd like to see South Dakota reform its ridiculous cannabis laws.
In addition, in September 2017, my office joined 37 Attorneys General asking insurance providers to find ways to reduce opioid prescriptions and make it easier for patients to access other forms of pain management treatment. We have yet to see the impact of these efforts, but we will continue looking for such important opportunities.
Read that here.

Fuzzy Marty says he supports a further look and that he's working with federal agencies to ensure his donors can cut a fat hog institutionalizing pharmaceutical weed.

Several states have amended their therapeutic cannabis rules to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) with a safe and effective alternative.

Saturday morning is when Bill Janklow's idea of public radio airs The People's Pharmacy.
Our guest, David Casarett, MD, certainly doubted that there was much evidence to support medical applications of marijuana. But as a palliative care physician, he was curious. The evidence he found convinced his that there is a case to be made in some situations.
Listen to a podcast here.

Heroin use is spiking in South Dakota no doubt fueled by America's most dangerous gateway drug, commercial teevee.

An earth hater running for his party's attorney general nomination wants to put people addicted to meth in prison.

Meth use is a symptom of South Dakota's statewide hopelessness as the state's residents stare down another punishing, relentless, and unforgiving winter.

Miserable bastards.

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