Los Cerrillos
March 25, 2025


Lifted from Facebook: SD cannabis ballot access seeking $10,000

Tomorrow July 29th the attorney will be contacting the SOS office and giving them an opportunity to do the right thing before we go to court. The right thing would be to allow medical cannabis access to the 2016 ballot. He believes we will have our day in court instead of them cooperating.

We have to have a court date & a verdict by a judge no later then August 15. So time is of the essence. He has put in countless hours getting prepared for the fight & we need to make sure he is compensated for his hard work. Please donate if you can. The hard work is done hundreds of people came out last summer & circulated, educated and volunteered time. Let's show them all we appreciate the effort and are willing to put some money into ensuring this issue makes the ballot!

Thank You to all who have donated let's keep those donations coming!

Melissa [Facebook post]

Flattening Israel with nuclear weapons totally within President Trump's wheelhouse

Quick reminder: American industrialists like Prescott Bush ushered the Third Reich into power.

It's no secret that this reporter would like to see Israel rolled back to 1917 borders and its inhabitants moved to Utah. Even Donald Trump believes Israel is guilty of war crimes and would use nuclear weapons in the Middle East with Israel as collateral damage.
But the divorce between the candidates’ fervour on Israel and the growing doubts of many of their supporters is particularly stark. It should be dawning on US politicians that a real debate about the nation’s relationship with Israel cannot be deferred much longer. [Counter Punch]
Former Nixon henchman, Henry Kissinger, said as much in a New York Post piece according to Franklin Lamb at the Foreign Policy Journal:
It’s a paper entitled “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, an 82-page analysis that concludes that the American national interest in fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.
New York Post piece here.

President Harry Truman failed the United States by recognizing the illegal creation of Israel.

The Supreme Court of the United States caused 9/11.

As we circle back to the events of 11 September, 2001 it's important to remember that had SCOTUS actually heard Bush v. Gore and ruled for Al Gore rather than upholding Jeb’s secretary of state the entire head-lopping W performed on the chain of command would have been avoided. Gore would have retained Bill Clinton’s security agency as the intelligence apparatus was connecting the dots Mossad and IDF were leaving ahead of the event. Angel would not have been in the air that day if the plot had been uncovered.

That the buildings were dropped into their footprints with explosives during what some describe as a coup is entirely plausible.

Yes, I believe that 1, 2, and 7 were "pulled." And, when you're appointed POTUS by your brother(s) or your father, you lop all the heads of those with whom you do not agree when you come to office because you're focused on deposing Saddam, the winner of the first Gulf War.

CIA analysts threatened to resign ahead of the attack because they knew they'd be blamed for the failures of the Bush White House.

No Middle East leader is more unstable than Bibi Netanyahu.

George Weasel Bush created the Islamic State and ordered troops out of Iraq at the end of his failed tenure.
They’re convinced because they interpret foreign affairs through the prism of Bronze Age biblical prophesy. Without getting bogged down in the colorful details of Christian eschatology, the story runs something like this: In order for Jesus to return and establish his Kingdom, the state of Israel must first be conquered by an invading army (preferably Persian or Arab) – because God says so. The unfortunate part (if you’re Jewish, at least) is that before Christ descends from the clouds, a holocaust of sorts must occur, resulting in the deaths of 2/3 of Israel’s people. For certain Christians, then, Israel must exist as a state (which is why they defend it so passionately), but it must also suffer immensely so that Christians can escape physical death in the form of the Rapture. [Salon]
Meanwhile, Senate Republicans are struggling to remain relevant. Both John McCain and John Thune are being marginalized by the descent of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is America's Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Can someone remind us how Trump melting down on a tarmac or in a hangar somewhere wouldn't foment a constitutional crisis?

The United States is a rogue nation and longtime sponsor of global terrorism. Zionists, terrorists, war criminals: just a few truths being spoken to power.


Under Daugaard South Dakota's GDP suffering negative growth

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting are not significant contributors to real GDP growth in the US.
Across the country, real GDP increased in 37 states and the District of Columbia in the first quarter of 2016. Real GDP by state growth, at an annual rate, ranged from 3.9 percent in Arkansas to minus-11.4 percent in North Dakota. [Denver Business Journal]
Habitat destruction, lapses in ethics, crime spikes, increased incarceration rates, more people infected with sexually transmitted diseases, the failure of prisons, human trafficking: all mark the terms of Republican governors in South Dakota.

South Dakota is a sanctuary state for white collar crime, though.

So-called 'Americans for Prosperity' a Koch-funded group with a lobbyist based in Sioux Falls signaled to legislators that they will lose campaign funding from the Kochs unless they act to reverse the progress the US Environmental Protection Agency has made in South Dakota.

Ag producers have destroyed shelter belts to plant industrial crops that deplete aquifers and now drought is blowing toxin-laden silt into downwind states.

South Dakota has the worst access to healthy food in the United States.

The crony capitalism that keeps South Dakota the 8th worst state for the working class is destroying lands promised to native peoples by treaty and my home town of Elkton is struggling to find enough housing for migrant workers often living in squalor.

South Dakota isn't about growth; it's about keeping Social Security recipients alive long enough to pay the property taxes that sustain red state failure.

Meanwhile, climate change denier Republican Governor Denny Daugaard is presiding over an exodus of educators fleeing the failed red state as his cronies plot to prevent medical insurance for South Dakota's least fortunate even as his office touts a budget surplus.

Make South Dakota great again. Flush the SDGOP.


More bird pix uploaded

Click on any image for a better look. This is a broad-tailed hummingbird if the bird book is describing the same critter.

There has been a western tanager at the fruit feeder but no photos yet.

Here is a video of a roadrunner taking a dirt bath after visiting my wildlife waterer.

New research on maniraptoran dinosaurs, the group that includes Velociraptor and modern birds, shows that having a beak conferred a survival advantage by providing birds the ability to eat seeds. When animals around you are dying off in droves because meteor strike, this would have come in pretty handy by being able to exploit dwindling food resources. [PLOS Paleo Community]


Indian Canyon Fire nearly the perfect burn

An act of Gaia has cleared twenty one square miles of cheatgrass and ponderosa pine from Fall River County in southwest South Dakota.
The closest threat was at the Custer-Fall River Landfill, about four-fifths of a mile from Edgemont’s southeastern city limits. Most of the visible flames and smoke plumes were gone, leaving only a haze in the sky and black charring stretching for miles across the ground. By 4 p.m. Monday, the fires were 60 percent contained. [Rapid City Journal]
Fire managers got a fortuitous break after a major thunderstorm dumped much needed rain on the land decimated by over a century of cattle infestation.

Toxic slurry was used for structure protection and is expected to kill fish in the Cheyenne River then enter Angostura Reservoir southeast of Hot Springs.

Private property owners in the area are advised to enter leases creating migration corridors within the proposed Greater Missouri Basin National Wildlife Refuge. The burn area is sandwiched within the boundaries of the Thunder Basin, Oglala and Buffalo Gap National Grasslands.

The region is suffering from drought conditions exacerbated by devastating land management practices.

Rewild the West.


Toll from Daugaard health care leadership failures mounting

A Feeding America survey shows 105,880 people in South Dakota are food insecure. Homelessness in the state is rampant; drunk driving, meth use and teen binge drinking are off the charts.
South Dakota's beleaguered state-run mental health hospital is operating without accreditation from a widely used industry review organization. Gov. Dennis Daugaard's office downplayed the importance of accreditation, though, characterizing the seal of approval as an unnecessary expense.
Read the rest here.

And from Bill Janklow's idea of public radio:
State health officials warn that sexually transmitted diseases are at a 30 year high in South Dakota. In South Dakota this year there are over 2,000 cases of chlamydia, over 600 cases of gonorrhea and 17 cases of syphilis. The ages most affected are young adults.
Read or listen here.

Meanwhile, climate change denier Daugaard is presiding over an exodus of educators fleeing the failed red state as his cronies plot to prevent medical insurance for South Dakota's least fortunate even as his office touts a budget surplus.

Make South Dakota great again. Flush the SDGOP.


Cannabis lawyers posted at SD NORML

South Dakota's cannabis laws are among the most repressive in the US because Republicans are evil and use the prison system to incarcerate instead of funding education.

The legislature subsidizes 66 county seats and their bureaucracies because it's more conservative than funding health care.

Both the South Dakota Democratic Party and the SD Libertarian Party are campaigning on the reform of the state's Janklovian cannabis laws. However, the District 3 Democratic Senate candidate is a dry drunk and incapable of compassion.
We get about two calls a week from folks who got busted in South Dakota for violations of South Dakota's unconscionable "drug" laws. Most have been stopped for having west-coast license plates (apparently an uncodified violation in SoDak). Most have already said way too much to the arresting officer. Most call for legal advice. Our experience leaves us aghast at the lack of outrage among defense lawyers at the injustice perpetrated by the courts' acceptance of lies and illegal actions performed by arresting officers, as well as the barbaric nature of South Dakota law.
A list of attorneys is posted here.

Matt Kinney represented Republican former Butte County State's Attorney Heather Plunkett after she was busted on a trumped up, politically motivated cannabis case.


M Hill Fire: told you so

Like wipin' yer ass with a hula hoop: it's endless.
A call from the Rapid City Police Department to the Rapid City Fire Department concerning a fire on M Hill came in at 6:57pm on Wednesday. It's believed the fire is human caused. [KOTA teevee]
Embattled Denny Daugaard is a climate change denier: the earth hater governor of the failed red state has declared a wildland fire emergency for West River.

Mike Maltaverne is one of the most honorable, competent men to ever run a fire department or to date a daughter.
Rapid City Fire Chief Mike Maltaverne says he doesn’t have enough firefighters to answer the growing number of fire and ambulance calls. He has been warning policy makers in memos for three years. Now the Rapid City Fire Department personnel shortage is “significant.” [Rapid City Journal]
Girls go to college to get more knowledge; boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider. How much more stupider can Rapid City be? Especially after a 2011 fire on M Hill and a May, 2010 grass fire in Robbinsdale one might think authorities would listen to Fire Chief Maltaverne.

C'mon, Mike: get out there and burn every right of way to stop fires from crossing roads.

One more time from a post at interested party: yep, pure heptane.
Turpentine distilled from the California pines such as Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Gray Pine (Pinus sabiniana) yield a form of turpentine that is almost pure heptane. When producing chemical wood pulp from pines or other coniferous trees with the Kraft process, turpentine is collected as a byproduct. Often it is burned at the mill for energy production. The average yield of crude turpentine is 5–10 kg/t pulp. In 1946, Soichiro Honda used turpentine as a fuel for the first Honda motorcycles as gasoline was almost totally unavailable following World War II.
The spontaneous ignition of the beetle-killed ponderosa pine in a hundred-yard radius would be measured in megatons. Now consider that there are at least 70 million acres of collapsed pine forest in the United States.

So, here's the part that nobody wants to talk about publicly:

For parts of the West this is as much a reduction in the threat of weaponized wildfire than an economic development opportunity. Harvesting timber is diesel fuel intensive. Just paying for pine removal after the collapse of the housing market has exacerbated the potential for catastrophic conflagrations.

Keystone, Hot Springs, Custer, Pringle, Hill City, Rochford, Nemo, Silver City, Deadwood, Lead, Newcastle, even Rapid City, Piedmont, Sturgis and Spearfish are at extreme risk from the tactical use of wildfire.

Just six strategically-placed improvised fuel air explosives (FAEs) deployed during red-flag conditions have the potential to create a firestorm that would be virtually unstoppable. Repeated discussions with the Forest Service, law enforcement, fire department officials, even the Rapid City Journal, elicit smirks and suspicion from their representatives.


But look on the bright side, people: your lives could be much worse; you could be living in Aberdeen, South Dakota.


Rounds brother suffering from his own nepotism

Steve Rounds enjoys an unusual 30-year lease on land managed by a state agency. Rounds got the lease to the Oahe Marina from South Dakota Game, Fish and Plunder while his brother was governor and while his banker, Larry Deiter was at the state Division of Insurance.
Eventually, Game, Fish and Parks officials cited safety concerns as a reason not to allow the temporary expansion of spearfishing on Lake Sharpe. "It blew me away," Rounds said of the 2014 decision. Allowing game fish spearing above the Waldron bridge requires a resolution from the Game, Fish and Parks Commission, not a new rule. Rounds will need to submit a formal, written request to the commission asking for the temporary change. The commission then would put the request on the agenda for its August meeting in Pierre.
Read more at the Pierre Crapital Urinal.

In South Dakota conservative means never having to apologize for your dependence on subsidies or for being on the state's dole.

I’m not exactly sold on concessionaires using the always awful “Dear Friends” generic letter for something like this. I think it would be more important to personalize and point out how your views align with the organization. Or better yet, speak to the organization you want to raise hundreds or thousands from, and let them make the call for support.

What do you think?


Can you help George identify his bio dad?

The following letter is from George Schmitz. He was born to my mother, Harriet Craig, before she met and married my dad and has asked to use this platform to identify, locate, perhaps even contact, his biological father. The man on the right in the above photo is our maternal grandfather. George believes one of the other men in the image is his father. If anyone knows their identities please contact him or me.

Click on the photo for a better look.

July 2016

Larry thanks for posting my story. Every day I get closer and every day my time is running out. It will be interesting to see where they intersect.


READERS – I could use your help.

My name is George B. Schmitz. However, I was baptized Anthony Craig in Omaha Nebraska in 1943. I determined the name of my biological mother many years ago. I have a bit of information about my biological father, but, have not been able to identify him. You can see that I am now 73 years old. I would like to know my father’s name. Please see if you can help me.

Following is information which may help you the reader help me George B. Schmitz of St. Louis Missouri determine my biological father.

1. I determined the identity of my mother many years ago. She was Harriet Mae Craig who was born in 1922. She lived in Norfolk, Columbus and Omaha Nebraska and after marriage in Elkton South Dakota. Her married name was Kurtz. My biological mother Harriet Mae Craig Kurtz died in 2013.

2. I was conceived on a blind date in Cheyenne Wyoming in 1942. I was born May 14, 1943.

3. My biological father age 22 was a U. S. Military serviceman who was likely stationed at Warren Military Base, Cheyenne Wyoming (at least in 1942). Warren Military Base was an Army Air Corp and Quartermaster Corp installation. I believe my mother’s cousin lived in Cheyenne Wyoming and set up this blind date. The cousin’s name was Gerhardt Robert Messersmith. He was known to most as Bob Messersmith. He worked for the Union Pacific Railroad. Bob Messersmith was born in 1910 and died in 1989. He is buried in St. Bonaventure Cemetery, Columbus Nebraska. Bob’s wife’s name was Roberta. In all likelihood Bob Messersmith knew the serviceman who was my biological father. Ring a bell in anyone’s head? Anyone know of him? Send me your ideas.

4. Although I was placed in the Saint James Orphanage in Omaha immediately after birth, the actual birth took place at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Omaha. And, a birth certificate was likely prepared. Records indicate that my mother Harriet Craig named me Anthony Craig – after her father? And, although I was living at the Orphanage, my care was being paid for by my mother and I was not immediately put up for adoption. Several months later (just prior to her marriage), Harriet Craig finally consented to my adoption. What does this tell you? Can you help me?

5. Male line DNA testing has indicated a strong likelihood that the surname of my biological father was McKinney, McNeil, McLeod, or Childress. Although these names have a likelihood, I certainly would not rule out other names. The Omaha Orphanage relayed to me that my biological father’s name was quite rare in current national data and may have more than one spelling.

6. My mother’s family relayed to me that my ‘file’ at the Omaha Orphanage could contain the name Herman Osterhoff as my father as that was a fictious name used by my mother when she had no one else to blame things on as a youngster. However, a Herman Osterhoff has been determined to have lived nearly ‘next door’ to the Messersmith family while they lived in/near Humphrey Nebraska 1921- 1930. Herman Osterhoff and Bob Messersmith could have been very good childhood friends. The Osterhoff’s moved to Webster / Waubay South Dakota in 1930. Records seem to indicate that this Herman Osterhoff changed his name to Sylvester Osterhoff. He died in 1998 and is buried in Lakewood Cemetery – Waubay South Dakota. Is he connected?

7. Orphanage records indicate that my mother notified my biological father of the actual or potential pregnancy and his response was, “it is not possible”. So, I believe he at least knew of the possibility that he had a child.

I AM ASKING FOR YOUR HELP. Does any of this ring a bell. Do you know of anyone who might have been in Cheyenne Wyoming in 1942 and seems to match any of the above information?


George B. Schmitz

E-mail address ac05141943@yahoo.com


South Dakota Democratic Party adopted much of the kurtz cannabis template

Update, further reading has revealed that McSweeney has been an advocate for cannabis rights for at least a decade.


Following the lead of the national party the South Dakota Democratic Party adopted parts of the kurtz template at their state convention in Sioux Falls.

Author: Kristina McSweeney
in Support of Marijuana Legalization
Whereas: South Dakota law prohibits the possession and usage of marijuana, and
Whereas: The existing South Dakota marijuana laws violate the commitment to
meeting every individual's basic human rights to promote respect for diverse
lifestyles and viewpoints and to live in a community without fear of discrimination,
Whereas: The
medical benefits of marijuana would help countless South Dakotans
who suffer from Glaucoma, Parkinson’s Disease, seizure disorders, multiple
sclerosis, chronic pain, various psycho
physiological disorders, and many other
conditions, and
Whereas: The existi
ng marijuana laws inhibit economic growth and opportunity,
and now therefore be it
Resolved: That the South Dakota Democratic Party supports regulation and
taxation of marijuana in a man
ner similar to that of alcohol, and be it
Further Resolved: That the South
Dakota Democratic Party urges state and federal
governments to implement a plan to provide for the safe and affordable distribution
of marijuana to all medical marijuana patients, and be it
Further Resolved: That the South Dakota Democratic Party support
s the
legalization of industrial hemp which can be grown and used to produce renewable
food, oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, paper, and fuel in support of a sustainable full
employment society.

Read it all here.


Wildfires reversing effects of the Anthropocene

Ponderosa pine only arrived in the Black Hills about four thousand years ago.
The wildfire that scorched nearly 600 square miles of land in Oklahoma and Kansas in March cleared out more eastern red cedars in a week than local efforts to eradicate the invasive species could have accomplished in decades, conservation experts say. "This was an ecological cleansing for the environment," said Ken Brunson, wildlife diversity coordinator with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. "That's mixed-grass prairie down there. Prairie survives with fire." [St. Louis Post-Dispatch]
Gee, where have i read this before?
Forestry operations in the western U.S., including thinning for hazardous fuel reduction, leave behind a staggering amount of wood waste. Much of this waste is non-merchantable tree stems, branches, and tops. These materials, called forest residues or “slash,” are usually yarded into large piles andburned for disposal. In the bark-beetleaffected areas of northern Colorado alone, it is estimated that there is a backlog of 120,000 piles of woody biomass slated for burning. Not only is this a waste of a potential resource, pile burning can exacerbate air quality problems and increase greenhouse gas emissions. It also leaves long-lived burn scars on the forest floor. If slash could be economically transported, processed, and used by a bioenergy facility, it could be transformed into energy and marketable products rather than burned for disposal. This may be a more environmentally and socially appealing alternative to open burning. [excerpt, press release, Rocky Mountain Research Station]
In the Black Hills, Weyerhaeuser analogue, Neiman Enterprises is taking the last of the old growth ponderosa pine in the name of insect control and taking federal dollars to do it while the small diameter trees are left standing. Massive piles of slash littering the forest preside over skidder trails that slice up hillsides.

Multiple mycology surveys reveal disrupted, cattle-infested tree farms where humanity has destroyed whatever remains of the preceding 11,000 years of indigenous and ungulate management. Multiply that by the countless watersheds that European immigration destroyed in the United States and Canada by the number of those exploited in the name of disaster capitalism.

The latest trip through the Hills shows the Central Hills bug kill has yet to peak, Rapid City and Vanocker Canyon seeing new eruptions. Despite its efforts to stem the bark beetle Lawrence County is probably ground zero for ponderosa pine elimination right now. Weston and Crook County, Wyoming are also seeing large die-offs.

The Black Hills National Forest has announced that the mountain pine beetle is erasing a century of habitat mismanagement.
“We are seeing positive results as we continue our work with partners and conservation leaders throughout the Black Hills. We will continue to perform landscape scale treatments to make the forest more resilient to insects and fire,” said Craig Bobzien, Black Hills National Forest Supervisor. Results showed an overall decrease in tree mortality across the forest as a whole, but there are still several areas of significant beetle activity. Areas that have the highest current activity include the Northwest corner of the Forest around the Tinton area (approximately 8 miles west of Lead and 8 miles South of Spearfish), areas south and east of Custer and the west-central area near the South Dakota/Wyoming state line. [BHNF press release]
Neiman Enterprises is putting pressure on Republicans to increase logging of the old growth pine: critical habitat for threatened and endangered species.

Hey, where have i read this before?
In the first study, a team made up of French researchers obtained historical data describing the numbers and types of trees in Europe going back to 1750—they then used that information to create a model that showed the impact that forests have had on climate change. That allowed them to see dramatic forest loss in the early years, which carried on for nearly a century. But then, as more food was imported into Europe, forests began to rebound—but they were managed, which meant certain types of trees were favored over others for commercial reasons. This led to the displacement of a large percentage of broad-leaf trees with conifers, which the researchers note, hold more carbon, but since they have been harvested the carbon has been released. They also found that because fir trees have needles instead of leaves, and because they are darker, there have been significant changes in evapotranspiration and albedo, causing temperatures in forested areas to rise. [Studies show impact of forest management and deforestation on climate]
Researchers are saying insect activity doesn't make wildfire potential more likely in the Rocky Mountain Complex where fires and bugs have been clearing overgrowth.
The mountain pine beetles pinned inside Diana Six's lab in the Bioresearch Building on campus are little, the size of Tic Tacs. The research the University of Montana professor of forest entomology and pathology is doing on the insects is big. Beetles can tell the difference between a strong tree and a stressed one, and they are removing trees that are less able to adapt to climate change. Now, when beetles hit an area, people have a tendency to clear-cut for salvage, Six said. But downing every tree might be counterproductive if their hypothesis is correct. [The Missoulian]
Millions of acres are being farmed for ethanol by burning diesel fuel. Logging is diesel fuel-intensive. Diesel can be distilled from wood waste ground in the landing processing some with mobile pyrolysis systems.

Yes, wildland fires release mercury and carbon dioxide into the biosphere but it pales compared to what has been discharged by the Anthropocene.

There was a Crow Peak Fire stopped at 135 acres in 2012 that the Forest Service should have let burn.

The Crow Peak Fire of 2016 affected mostly Republican landowners who built in the wildland urban interface now begging the feds to protect their properties. These people, white retirees from somewhere else who hate gubmint, fled Minnesota, Colorado or California then parachuted into South Dakota hoping to isolate themselves from fair taxation, African-Americans and cultural diversity.

After intense lobbying efforts from this interested party and The Dakota Progressive that fire is now being managed as a controlled burn.

If you build in fire-prone areas within the wildland/urban interface homeowners insurance should be either denied to you or be prohibitively expensive.

Get cattle off the Black Hills National Forest and make it part of the Greater Missouri Basin National Wildlife Refuge.

Giago: Tea Party Republicans are not patriots

Tim Giago has been the editor and publisher of Native Sun News. He was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard with the Class of 1991 and the first American Indian inducted into the South Dakota Newspaper Hall of Fame.
The American Indians of 1773 had every right to fear the consequences of that tea-dumping party that night in the Boston Harbor. An entire village of Indians that had converted to Christianity was massacred and burned alive by American patriots seeking revenge for the actions of a few renegade Indians. They were called the “Praying Indians” and they became prey to the patriots because they didn’t know one Indian from another and so they murdered the Indians that were available.

Read it all here.

On a side note:


Si, se puede

The reading of the Declaration of Independence by members of the reporting staff at NPR on the 4th of July gets me every time. Past on-air personalities, some now correspondents at the pearly gates, also read for this decades-old feature. The tears stream down my face right up to the line that begins:
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare…
That’s when it hits me right between the eyes.

When those words were being written, thousands of cultures inhabited a continent that seemed to keep growing huge ripe plums just waiting for Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton and the rest to pick and pick and pick and pick. Already, the Chesapeake Bay estuary had been mostly denuded of native vegetation, not to mention of its former human inhabitants.

Enslaved people tilled the fields and built the infrastructure, the ancestors of the Lakota and other Siouan groups that had been forced westward out of North Carolina generations earlier, traded with the Spanish and French while forging their own alliances (and marriages) with other indigenous peoples.

So, we’ve come a long way, init? Hey America: it's time to wake up and smell the Tsingtao.

The United States Constitution is the finest instrument ever created by the human hand. The Preamble is the body, the Bill of Rights is the neck, the Amendments are the strings. It is a fluid universal execution of human and civil rights.

While the Palestinian homeland looks like holes in the slice of Swiss cheese analogous to the illegal Israeli state, progress toward resolutions of Native trust disputes would have far more political traction after tribes secede from the States in which they reside and then be ratified to form one State, the 51st, sans contiguous borders with two Senators and two House members as there are an estimated 2.5 million indigenous living on reservations.

Every federal department and agency already recognize Native America as the 51st State.

It’s time for all Americans to enjoy the protection of law by being part of one nation: erase the artificial borders and grant Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to all the people of North America…Mexico, Central America, Canada, even the Caribbean if they’ll have us.

I'm not a New World Order guy, don't support the North American Union (god bless you. please, mr. roddenberry) and I believe the US Constitution is a big enough canvas in order to paint a more perfect masterpiece, a big enough score for all to sing. No violence. No more drug wars.

Read Alaska’s constitution some time. The last states ratified are the most egalitarian. Let’s debate it then draft a dream referendum to be delivered by and for the people of Mexico to dissolve their constitution and petition for Statehood as our 52nd State. Quebec could be the 53rd and Cuba, the 54th.

The United States is the Hamiltonian Empire Thomas Jefferson warned us about. Resistance is futile.

Sí, se puede.


Live in South Dakota and police will force a catheter into your penis

South Dakota's legislature is a Reichstag that's why there could be sixteen initiatives and referenda on the 2016 ballot. The state has the most repressive drug ingestion laws in America.
Dirk Landon Sparks was arrested March 14 after a report of a domestic disturbance. After Sparks refused to cooperate, police transported him to Avera St. Mary's Hospital in Pierre, where he was strapped to a bed while a catheter was forced into his penis so that officers could obtain a urine sample. Courtney Bowie, legal director for ACLU South Dakota, said the practice raises serious legal concerns. “It would be completely improper for people to place a catheter on an individual of the opposite gender,” Bowie said. “That would border on an unlawful assault, battery or rape.”[Sioux Falls Argus Leader]
This same police force used a Taser on a nine year old girl.

There is no question that this intrusion is outrageous and a violation of the US Constitution's Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. A judge ruled in a Pennsylvania case that even if drugs are found such brazen police behavior represents a chilling effect on a detainee's civil rights.

South Dakota deserves the legislature it suffers. If the legislature had the balls to divert its attention from ending women's civil rights, building more prisons and trying to look at the genitals of naked juveniles it would have more time to head off ballot clutter.