Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


New poll: where will Trace O'Connell serve his jail sentence?

Will Trace O'Connell serve any sentence, be incarcerated in the Pennington County jail, languish in friendly surroundings at the Haakon County jail, or something else?

Vote on the new poll.


Tim said...

Larry, sad to say, you already know the answer to your question.

larry kurtz said...

Tim, little surprises me anymore.

"Oglala Sioux Tribe President John Yellow Bird Steele sent a letter to the U.S. attorney general and president on Thursday asking for the inquiry." Argus Leader

Bill Dithmer said...

I don't think Phillip even has a certified jail. Like Kadoka they have to contract I think.

The Blindman

larry kurtz said...

The Haakon County jail is part of the courthouse complex, Bill. i called on accounts in Philip twice a week for two years and used to know the town all too well. Bad River country pretty awesome with millennia of human history: bison habitat into the horizon.

larry kurtz said...

I was in Philip the day of the Challenger explosion in 1986..

joseph g thompson said...

Never stationed at Ellsworth AFB but did inspect the Missile Wing more than once. Talking with the young troops convinced me that RC had a race problem but they kept it away from base. ie if you were a civilian you had a problem but if you were a GI the problem didn't exist. Saw the same thing at Altus in OK. Think the Ogalala Tribal President is doing the right thing but sadly dont't think the Justice Department will do anything.

larry kurtz said...

Always good to have company, guys.

Mr. Thompson, my dad struggled with 'Negroes' in the Air Force but served side by side with many. I remember an integrated second grade at Dow AFB in Maine but not in first grade at Torrejon in Spain now that you make me think about it.

Rapid City seems to accept the Middle Eastern professors at SDSM&T but American Indians are still marginalized nearly universally.