Los Cerrillos
March 18, 2025


Flathead Lake sees waterspout; boycott wolf hunting states

Waterspouts can be of two sorts: tornadic, which generally form from the clouds down, and fair weather, which often form from the water and stretch into the clouds. The weather service had no evidence that the funnel moved over land.--Tristan Scott and Michael Moore of the Missoulian

The Indy is reporting that an Oregon publication is advocating a boycott of Montana over that state's wolf hunt.

From the Montana Standard:


Stan Gibilisco said...

When I lived in Miami, I watched a fair-weather waterspout move in from the ocean. Doggonedest thing! Just a puffy little cumulus with this translucent tube hanging down.

On the day before Hurricane Andrew hit, I saw lightning strike the ground from a similar small, innocuous-looking cumulus cloud. Strange weather down there, makes ours look tame by comparison.

On an unrelated note, may this conservative offer some humor at my colleagues' own expense? I always see your photo at the top there, "Barking up the right's tree." I would love to see you replace it with "Hissing down the right's pit" with, of course, a snake ... or maybe a badger hissing at a pit full of snakes.

Never let anyone say that I can't make fun of myself or my party. This whole world really is a quite ridiculous place.

Sorry I missed you the other day. Maybe sometime you and Cory Heidelberger and I can get together at the Stamp Mill or Lewie's up here in Lead, and you two together can give this old conservative coot a hard time.

Well, fiscally conservative. Socially radical.

larry kurtz said...

Awesome post, Stan. I'm east river for a couple of days then back. Lewie's sounds good to me.