Los Cerrillos
March 27, 2025


JeffCo Dems plan activism

The Jefferson County Democrats met at the former High Note Cafe in Basin to plan counter insurgency tactics designed to derail attempts by Republicans in the Montana Legislature in their efforts to impose Sharia Law.  Chair Leslie Thomas brought the meeting to order.

2010 House District 77 candidate, Sheila Hogan spoke about lessons learned in her defeat to TEA-stained Basin bar owner, convicted poacher, and serial domestic abuser, Alan Hale.  His candidacy included slimy innuendo and pledges to landowners that he'd fend off enforcement of federal and state environmental laws if elected. 

Actions to be taken:

Contact Jan Anderson about Hale's column (or lack thereof) in the Boulder Monitor. The amazing Nancy Owens did that before the night was out and received a message from Jan saying that Hale's column may be forthcoming.

Bryher will contact Alan Hale for a group dinner conversation. Hasn't been done yet.

We will all take responsibility to begin drafting letters to the editor on the issues that speak to us. Karole Lee agreed to be our fact checker.

Send an email to IR editor saying we want more "letters to the editor" included in both daily and sunday paper.

MJ, Leslie and Ann are meeting to talk about the phoning local folks to talk about issues; and a reminder of rallies: today's is happening as I write this -- by Naral; Friday, January 28, at noon, in support of DPHHS--no more social service cuts.
In an era where red states refuse to fund mental health assessments and experience more instances of domestic terrorism, the time to act against the TEA mullahs is now!

A hearing on the ACLU lawsuit seeking the neighbors' rights to co-equal those of married couples is scheduled for this week.

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