Los Cerrillos
March 26, 2025


Wife of Brookings Earth hater makes plea for Medicaid protection

So, the more Republican South Dakota gets the stingier and more cruel the residents become. Not only has the SDGOP failed Indigenous Americans by not expanding Medicaid it has failed veterans and the elderly: its historically loyal voter base. But hey, if Tony Venhuizen wants to feed from the Qochtopus gravy train he has to prove he’s numbed to the misery, hopelessness and despair his father-in-law and political party have heaped on South Dakotans. 

South Dakota is 51st in elder care protection. 

Michelle Powers is married to a Republican Brookings blogger who smears Democrats and principled conservatives who don't bend the knee to the South Dakota Republican Party establishment. They have a bunch of sick kids suffering from hellish diseases but she lives in Spearditch which is just about as far away from her husband as she can get and still live in that miserable state. 
My own personal connection to Medicaid comes from my 20-year-old daughter who has a developmental disability. My other connection to Medicaid comes from my role as chief executive officer for Northern Hills Training Center (NTHC), a community-based support provider, where our mission is to “support people to have meaningful lives”. For NHTC, almost 90 percent of the funds we receive are generated through the Medicaid program. Significant cuts to federal Medicaid funding will place additional financial strain on the state budget, forcing us to absorb the increased costs. State budgets must prioritize mandatory Medicaid services, leaving optional services like NHTC as a community-based service vulnerable to reductions. [Why should you care about Medicaid funding?]
That SDGOP condones, encourages and even pays Pat Powers to threaten, malign, bully and libel women while their party standard-bearers preach the protection of women is a measure of hypocrisy that strains human gauges. He has long been banned from this forum and other South Dakota related sites because of a constant stream of bigotry, misogyny and other hate speech. Pernicious Pug Powers, who makes a stopped clock look like a well-greased machine, salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases that threaten or jeer his political enemies.

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

South Dakota's Earth haters are cracking up. "Remember this past week when SDGOP Chairman Eschenbaum had alluded to some prior affinity for Democrats, as he told SD News Watch in an interview that he had voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012: Eschenbaum voted for Barack Obama in 2008 because he thought electing the first Black president would help address racial tensions. He was ready to vote Republican in 2012, upset with runaway spending following the Great Recession but was unimpressed with GOP candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign."