In 2015 concern over the further contamination of shallow aquifers that supply water to a third of East River caused the Clay County Planning and Zoning Board to table for the second time in as many weeks changing ordinances governing concentrated animal feeding operations or CAFOs. In 2018 South Dakota State University President Barry Dunn told WNAX radio that state residents should just accept the fact that the Big Sioux River is a shit hole.
But now an Earth hating South Dakota legislator from Madison wants to allow eminent domain and trespass for some pipeline operators but also wants to protect CAFOs from scrutiny. Casey Crabtree admits that the cases of criminal trespass at CAFOs don't even exist but ignores the fact that those operations are in fact agro-terrorists themselves.
But lobbyist and ecoterrorist American Farm Bureau Federation is pushing a bill that would bar what used to be South Dakota's environmental watchdog from even releasing the locations of CAFOs in the red moocher state to anyone unless required by federal law. CAFOs in the chemical toilet routinely violate state regulations and flagrantly flout federal pollution standards.
The restriction on obtaining information about CAFOs worries Jay Gilbertson, manager of the East Dakota Water Development District, which promotes conservation and management of water resources in eastern South Dakota. "But when it comes to animal feeding operations, if you really want to know, you have to go to Pierre, and try to get in the DANR building and dig through the paper files? That would just be silly." [Bill to protect farms from spying could limit access to CAFO data]Add the absence of cultural fire, the extirpation of apex predators, the resulting rise of mesopredators, increased numbers of domestic livestock then stir in a melange of industrial chemicals with climate change and voila: red state collapse on parade!
Day 2 of the administration of President Trump (that has a very nice ring to it) and the sky is bluer, the water is clearer, the birds are singing louder, and the USA is an all around better place for it.
DonOld Trump is a career criminal who used fraudulent means to buy the White House,
Still waiting for your proof.
Thanks to Donald Trump any truth is malleable but thanks so much for the clicks!
The Trump Organization wants to suspend the Endangered Species Act in part so welfare farmers can spray dangerous pesticides: Farm Progress.
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