Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


State of South Dakota involved in massive coverup of Brady Folkens' death: Aanning

Just before Christmas in 2013 Brady Folkens of Brookings died in state custody after a medical attendant likely administered a lethal dose of the antibiotic minocycline to the teen at the former State Treatment and Rehabilitation (STAR) Academy in a South Dakota county named for a war criminal. But in a 2014 phone interview, Brady's mom, Dawn Van Ballegooyen told this blog he never had a previous acne condition that required an antibiotic and in 2016 Jonathan Ellis formerly of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader called out the State of South Dakota for covering up the truth in Brady's death.  

Avera McKennan Hospital pathologist, Raed A. Sulaiman ruled Brady’s ultimately fatal lymphocytic myocarditis was caused by Parvovirus B19 despite clinical evidence that anaphylaxis often induces an infarct and Parvovirus can produce a rash that looks like acne.

After a public whimper petered out the death camp was shuttered and the sprawling property carved from the heart of Indian Country put up for auction. The stigmatized site was sold four times at sequentially reduced prices after the first buyer bounced a check to the state, the financing was unworkable or the scope of work proved too great.
In forensic autopsies where state authorities are concerned over their liability for wrongful death suits and their pathologist has already committed to being complicit in covering up the real cause of death, virtually no other pathologist will challenge the false diagnosis with a truthful cause of death. When responding to Dawn’s suspicion that Dr. Sulaiman was not truthful, the South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners stated that their experts fully exonerated Dr. Sulaiman from any faults and that his autopsy result was “absolutely” correct. This proves that the SDBMOE is complicit in the coverup of Brady’s death[.] Both Dawn and I met with Marty Jackley at his office in Pierre and subsequently submitted a lengthy and minutely documented affidavit asking for an investigation into the coverup of Brady’s death – specifically focusing on the role of Craig Ambach heading Risk Management, present at every hearing during Dawn’s sabotaged litigation. [Dr. Lars Aanning]
This interested party believes the Governor's Office of Risk Management also covered up evidence after Jason Ravnsborg killed Joe Boever.


larry kurtz said...

After another phone conversation with Dawn Van Ballegooyen this post has been updated.

larry kurtz said...

Ravnsborg calls State of South Dakota corrupt: Iowa Capital Dispatch.