
Weaponized wildfire likely in southern New Mexico blazes

Weaponized wildfire has not been ruled out as residents return to their properties in Ruidoso, New Mexico where the Federal Bureau of Investigation is seeking public assistance in identifying the cause and offering $10,000 leading to the arrests and convictions of those responsible for the South Fork and Salt Fires. 

Since at least 2001 the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have disrupted many domestic terrorists and lone wolves who intended to launch attacks on the United States with explosives and other weapons. 

Southern and southeastern New Mexico is home to many descendants of the Confederacy who back a convicted Republican felon as unitary executive and are quick to point fingers at the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management for wildfires. 

Disgraced Republican former Otero County Commissioner and Trump disciple, Couy Griffin broke into the US Capitol, plotted the violent overthrow of the federal government, alleged voter fraud when there was none, arbitrarily defied the Lincoln National Forest's plan revision and threatened Democrats with murder. He is barred from ever holding office again after being prosecuted under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment when he was convicted in a case brought by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in 2022. 

Over a half million wildfires are started by arsonists every year in the US and if you live in the wildland-urban interface government can't always protect you from your own stupidity.
Hopefully they will be as successful in preventing foreign-inspired pyroterrorism and will become better at preventing massacres by deranged white domestic terrorists with stockpiles of weapons. [Wildfire Today]
Learn more at KRWG.


larry kurtz said...

South Fork Fire was lightning caused.

larry kurtz said...

Feds believe blazes were weaponized wildfire after all: ABQ Journal.