Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


Why are we here? Larger Very Large Array seeks answers

I seized upon the oscillating universe model when I was at university fifty years ago. The holy trinity is one oxygen and two hydrogen molecules.
The idea is controversial, although many scientists do believe that the universe operates in a perpetual cycle in which it expands, before contracting back in a ‘Big Crunch’ followed by a new Big Bang. [An earlier universe existed before the Big Bang, and can still be observed today, says Nobel winner]
Reproduction is the reason, food is the fuel. Humans are merely Terran tools to go forth and find more...unless or until we kill the planet before it kills us for taking more than our share.
The design for the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) prototype antenna has passed an intensive, five-day review, clearing the way to begin manufacturing the prototype antenna. The ngVLA, a powerful radio telescope with 263 dish antennas distributed across North America, is proposed as one of the next generation of cutting-edge astronomical observatories designed to meet the leading research challenges of the coming decades. It will have sensitivity to detect faint objects and resolving power more than 10 times greater than the current VLA. The prototype will be manufactured by pre-selected suppliers and initially tested in 2023. In early 2024, it will be shipped to the VLA site in New Mexico. Operations will be conducted at the VLA site and in nearby Socorro, New Mexico, with additional science operations in a metropolitan area to be determined. [Design review for ngVLA Antenna clears way for prototype construction]
When he was a US Senator, Harry Reid saw human built aircraft at Area 51 that would impress even little green men.
William Hojnowski, a project manager for the Next Generation Very Large Array, said the new technology, including updated receivers, might lead scientists to “find out the universe is very different than we thought it was. With the new array we will have the capability to see things like the solar system forming … how the universe actually works.” Some are familiar with it because of a science fiction film in the 1990s called Contact, in which actor Jodie Foster played an astronomer at the array who detected signals from an intelligent life form. [Very Large Array getting even larger]
Collisions with even micro-particles at near-light speeds make spacecraft design critical to its survival. Generating a magnetic field is one way to deflect space debris. 

If there is a divine creator why would It even care whether one of Its most destructive, malevolent and criminal creations chooses to restrict population growth? Republicans suffer from a disease that influences their eschatologies because they worship a supernatural extraterrestrial as the ‘son of god’ and believe It is coming to Earth to rule under a one-world government. $20 says no one can prove to this interested party that humanity is anything other than a force for utter destruction. Our species will be the instrument to extinguish all life on Earth and some divine thing cares whether we off ourselves? That anyone believes anybody can hold any moral high ground cements humanity’s doom. 

That’s likely why some astrobiologists hypothesize that any civilization capable of interstellar travel is already dead.

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