
BLM revising plans on High Plains District; BLM Montana/Dakotas moving on conservation leases

Tension is high in the Mountain West so local Bureau of Land Management offices and employees are on alert for militant zealots bent on violent disruptions or worse as the agency assesses resource management plans.
The proposed revision would replace the existing 23-year-old Newcastle RMP that guides the management of approximately 287,900 acres of public lands and 1.7 million acres of federal mineral estate managed by the BLM in Crook, Weston, and Niobrara counties in Wyoming. Through this process, BLM also plans to revise the 31-year-old Nebraska RMP, which includes 5,100 surface acres and 223,900 acres of federal mineral estate managed by the BLM across the state of Nebraska. [BLM Wyoming]
Whether it's American Prairie's bison grazing on BLM ground in Montana, the US Department of Agriculture killing cattle on the Gila or feds shooting goats in the Tetons socialized grazing just isn't enough to keep some Republicans happy.
Montana is about to see significant investment in habitat restoration and resilience after nearly $27 million was allocated to Bureau of Land Management field offices in the state earlier this summer. Funds will also be directed toward removing more anthropogenic threats to the landscape and its wildlife populations. [Lewistown News-Argus]
Learn more at the Daily Montanan.

Here in Santa Fe County parts of the Camel Tracks area on La Bajada Mesa will be closed to the public for two weeks.
The BLM proposes to design and build two recreational target shooting ranges within Santa Fe County, and field surveys are needed for an environmental assessment pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. [BLM New Mexico]

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