Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


Noem, Ravnsborg continue their crusade against women's rights

Republican Governor Kristi Noem's anti-civil rights actions are no accident. She's is a graduate of the Koch Brothers' American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC, an anti-think tank think tank that teaches how wedge issues raise campaign dollars for the extreme white wing of the Republican Party. South Dakota's GOP legislators and candidates enjoy millions in lobbyist benefits from ALEC. Noem is a former Snow Queen who convinced her own daughters to compete in beauty contests.

South Dakota was ranked 50th in 'workplace environment‘ and 38th overall in the 2018 WalletHub Best & Worst States for Women’s Equality.
Ultimately, to be pro-woman is to embrace women as equals, valuing human dignity, bodily autonomy and self-determination. However, the extreme anti-abortion policies plaguing the United States are doing the exact opposite, putting women’s lives at risk. No woman is free until she controls her own body, life and destiny. Being pro-woman means trusting women to make their own personal and private decisions about their lives. It means providing access to affordable contraception and birth control, comprehensive sexual education and pregnancy resources. Being pro-woman means recognizing the political, economic and social injustices that still oppress women and fighting for equal pay, maternal/parental leave and reproductive healthcare. [No, the “Pro-Life” Movement is Not Pro-Woman]
It's really hard not to slut-shame someone who's gone all out to be one. Noem has never supported the Violence Against Women Act and if her #metoo abusers were Democrats she'd be singing like a cardinal. Kristi Noem is a MILF. Is she compliant, infidelitous, or simply a jaded career politician who's used to trading her favors for advancement?
Five Republican-led states are seeking to block an effort by three Democratic-led states to see the Equal Rights Amendment is adopted into the U.S. Constitution. The five states — Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Nebraska and South Dakota — filed a motion on Thursday to intervene in a lawsuit filed by Virginia, Nevada and Illinois. [Associated Press]
South Dakota's crusade against equal rights for women is being propelled by incel Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg — an obese, extraordinarily homely confirmed bachelor and a member of the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers with little hope of attracting a mate himself. But he's just so creepy.

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