Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Casita nearly ready for roof

Click on any image for a better look. The 6-inch 18-foot vigas aren't very heavy, a little over two hundred pounds. After screwing two sets of 8-foot 2 x 4s together and strapping them to the tractor bucket they went onto the lintels with little fanfare. Putting the vigas on 19 3/16" centers saved one without sacrificing structural integrity.

After spending a day overthinking the fire box on the kiva a simple plan emerged. The adobes on the opening were shaped with an angle grinder equipped with a diamond blade. A 24-inch damper will sit on the combustion chamber then extend between two vigas with four 2-foot clay flue liners. The back of the chimney will house a smoke shelf. Adobes will wrap around them then roofing material will be applied. We are going to ABQ to pick up another 168 adobes for the parapet walls in a few minutes. 52 rough-sawn 1 x 10 x 12 boards have been ordered. More images here.

The excess mortar is easy to wash off with a scrub brush. The inside is slated for a slurry then paint but the outside finish will be an elastomeric stucco and the roof will be sprayed with four inches of insulating polyurethane foam. It's my intention to perform all the work. So far, the only help has been to pour the concrete pad after this builder poured the footings.

Tiny houses (casitas) are taking the US by storm.


Duffer said...

well . . . . . . if it keeps you out of the pool halls.

I'm setting a retaining-wall today - can't sit still. Guy is always working his place, eh?

larry kurtz said...

Gotta keep Momma happy!