Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


kurtz hits the big 6-0

Happy Birthday: Harriet Nelson, Nelson Mandela, John Glenn, Hunter S. Thompson, Richard Branson, Ricky Skaggs, Vin Diesel, and this interested party.


Bill Dithmer said...

Happy birthday Larry

The Blindman

caheidelberger said...

60? Seriously? How do things like this happen?

larry kurtz said...

Thanks, Bill!

Cory: if i'd have known i was going to live this long i'd have had a few more wives!

Anonymous said...

Happy B Day, LK!
Two more to go for social security! I'm there, and it feels great! Next big milestone, 65. Then, Medicaire! for the win! See you there!.....I hope.


larry kurtz said...

Thanks, Larry! If Keith Richards can still be alive it should be a cinch! Always good to read you: keep pounding those Montana pubbies!

kw said...

Memories, enjoy them while you can still remember them. Sorry I missed the big day. Happy Belated Birthday to You, Happy Belated Birthday to You, Happy Belated Birthday Dear LARRY, Happy Belated Birthday to You. Love ya Buddy kw

larry kurtz said...

yo, kw: see this?