Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Images of Black Hills trip posted

Click on any of these images to make them bigger.

White River at Stamford where the only sound was that of bees working the record sweet clover.

Someone has been mowing the right of way at Stamford.

Imagine these views of Harney Peak from Slate Prairie a thousand years ago but without all the trees...or houses. This shot was taken not far where earth haters want to mine for frack sand.

Missouri Buttes and Devils Tower at sunset: yes, Herb would have been able to see the proposed mountaintop-removal mining in the Bear Lodge Mountains from his porch had he not sold the ranch.


Bill Dithmer said...

Dont know if there is still a bridge south of Stamford or not. You could have seen the biggest hog cunfinment operation in western SD if you would have kept going. I've caught prairie dogs and hunted every foot of ground for miles around there. If you want to see pretty go east of White River where the Little White dumps into the White. It's like a different world back there where clear water meets muddy.

The Blindman

larry kurtz said...

Hi, Bill! Haven't been south of Stamford for at least twenty years but love the confluence you describe. On some maps the clear White River is known for its rafting and canoe course.

Any idea who could be mowing that railroad right of way? It was done with rail equipment.

Bill Dithmer said...

Larry, there aren't many places on the little white that you could raft without portaging. One of those places would be the four or five miles before the Little meets the Big White. There used to be an irrigation dam there fifty years ago and the iron works are still there. All of that ground is IGA, indian grazing association. Big old trees, lots of berries, deep clear water, fishing from hell including walleye, smallmouth, three species of catfish, and very few people to bother you anymore.

There is a railroad club that uses that stretch of track. I've seen hand cars putputs and those cars that had two sets of wheels on that track. There is a museum in the old railroad station on the south end of town, they would know who was mowing.

The Blindman