Los Cerrillos
March 25, 2025


Fatal injuries

Republican Bill Janklow hated Minnesotans for decades so he slaughtered one. Before that, he hated the earth so much he butchered a watershed:

from Think Progress, h/t Lynn:
In a stunning conflict of interest, public hearings on federal approval for a proposed tar sands pipeline are being run by a contractor for the pipeline company itself. The U.S. Department of State’s public hearings along the proposed route of the TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands pipeline this week are under the purview of Cardno Entrix, a “professional environmental consulting company” that specializes in “permitting and compliance.” Cardno is not only running the State Department hearings, but also manages the department’s Keystone XL website and drafted the department’s environmental impact statement.


7000 foot bucket list done

Ok, that's done.

i have been on the seven named seven thousand foot peaks in the Black Hills: Harney, Terry, Crooks Tower, Crows Nest, Bear, now Odakota and Green.

Odakota Mountain just got a little higher than its listed 7205 feet

a little note in a time capsule at the summit where visitors with pen or pencil have recorded their impressions of South Dakota's second highest peak

Harney Peak as shot through the dead ponderosa pine from just below the hat-shaped summit

Harney Peak shot from Green Mountain


Lead lede led lead

How sad that South Dakota is governed by blind obese ignorant fucks like Stace and Tom Nelson trapping economic development in a collapsed red state by eking out an existence raping the earth for the prison/agrichemical/uranium/military industrial complex.

View of Homestake Visitors Center and proposed ice climbing location above the Open Cut from Old Abe Street

Head frame above Old Abe Street

Hydro 2 adjacent to the PCB contaminated eastern edge of the Open Cut going unremediated by Barrick Mining

Banned book week on KUNM.


Mona Road

The divide between the Little Missouri and the Belle Fourche drainages is not very wide: less than a mile just west of the Missouri Buttes. At that location it's not difficult to visualize how humans migrating into the region some 12,000 years ago seeking shelter and food sources found their way into lands free of glaciation.

Oak returning after a 2003 wildfire along Oak Creek Road north of Aladdin.

Baldy and St. Onge Peak on the Crooked Oaks Road. There is a medicine wheel on the ridge that connects these hills.

odd formation at Orman Dam



From Idaho Public Television:
Each September, hundreds of people gather in a wooded area outside Rexburg, Idaho, to rediscover their "stone age" heritage. They work with primitive tools, learn to build fire by rubbing sticks together, and participate in a rigorous assortment of classes designed to teach them some of the 'lost' arts. It's called "Rabbitstick," after the aboriginal tool that requires a certain primitive knowledge base to master.


Sky reaches limit

From the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:
David Sky Cantu was riding a bicycle along the 800 block of South Seventh Avenue when he passed a woman and grabbed her breast, according to court documents. Cantu told the officer he touched the woman because “he was desperate and he was too much man,” according to court documents.


Bandelier fire misses cannabis stash

From the Albuquerque Journal Online:
Amid the thousands of acres of vaporized trees and blackened vegetation sat an island of green — a 5,000-plant marijuana plantation that survived both this summer’s massive Las Conchas Fire and catastrophic flooding that followed. The 6- to 10-foot-tall marijuana plants were grown in Bandelier National Monument by unknown growers, who remain at large and who officials believe battled the fire to protect their plants. The 5,000 marijuana plants, which survived a fire that burned more than 150,000 acres of New Mexico wildland, were pulled from their roots Thursday and taken by Black Hawk helicopter to an undisclosed area and burned.


Rick Perry's Texas: part 2

ip poll results:

Which earth hater will be their nominee? 
Rick Perry 2 (22%) 
Michele Bachmann 0 (0%) 
Mitt Romney 3 (33%) 
Ron Paul 4 (44%) 
Other 0 (0%)


Flathead Lake sees waterspout; boycott wolf hunting states

Waterspouts can be of two sorts: tornadic, which generally form from the clouds down, and fair weather, which often form from the water and stretch into the clouds. The weather service had no evidence that the funnel moved over land.--Tristan Scott and Michael Moore of the Missoulian

The Indy is reporting that an Oregon publication is advocating a boycott of Montana over that state's wolf hunt.

From the Montana Standard:


The sacred feminine and the priestess's path

From my inbox:
Good morning Larry. 
My concept of God/Goddess is a creative intelligence of which we are all an expression. The Sacred Feminine for me is the missing half of spirituality and brings back the feminine qualities that we have been lacking for 5000 years. As women, we have specific ways of connecting to or being aware of the divine (our higher selves) that have been suppressed for obvious reasons with the onset of patriarchal religions. I believe that we need both the masculine and the feminine, and that until we find a balance, our earth and our species will continue to be in peril. Through this work I have learned to ground and connect to the earth, clear, balance and heal my own energy system (including the original programming that has held me back) and to listen deeply to my intuition which includes the consciousnesses of the intellect, heart and gut. My long term creative project is to sculpt 100 women. I am calling it the 100 Women Project and I want to exhibit them all together when finished.