
Rocky Mountain Eye Center wins the bid

The vision effects of a torn retina began about three weeks ago after a series of events: a head-first fall of twenty feet, pushing a pose too hard at yoga, and a second bathroom remodel in six months. Spots began appearing in the left eye followed by a darkening curtain appearing from the top of my vision. A retinal tear in that eye three years ago produced similar symptoms.

My drive to Rapid City seeking consult with Dr. Abraham at the Black Hills Regional Eye Institute with one eye was difficult but uneventful. Other patients in the reception area were shocked to have a half-blind man stand up and yell, "Fuck you!" at FOX as ip walked into the exam room, foreshadowing the ultimate result of the entire episode. Erin, the tech, recognized me instantly.

Dr. Abraham poked and prodded, deployed the dreaded "Depressor," and confirmed that which was already known. Then, the Patient Accounts person appeared with the estimate. "Mr. Kurtz, your surgery will cost $12,452 and we want half now." I gulped. Three years ago, the same retina surgery and two cataracts cost that. I got up, said thank you, paid the $423 for my visit and walked out the door.

A call to Rocky Mountain Eye Center in Missoula yielded a quote of a little over $7000.

So, the day after Democrats were slaughtered en masse, I had my left eye cut open. Dr. Guess played Pink Floyd as he performed, ip under conscious nerve block. Great staff.

Thursday morning, we went to Bernice's Bakery (Joani drove) in my old stomping grounds on South Higgins and ran into a guy that had lived across the hall from me thirty years ago, Philip Burgess. He loves Basin so we exchanged numbers and look forward to his visit.

The eye is sore today.

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