
AZAG: KSA-based Earth haters should be denied new well; Dems probe Kushner

In 2018 the Saudi Ministry of Energy and Agriculture banned the use of groundwater for alfalfa production and in August of 2022 the Democratic candidate for Arizona Attorney General, now AG Kris Mayes called for an investigation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's sweetheart deal to pump Phoenix's reserves for free. So in April, after draining fragile aquifers and lobbying for more water from the Gila River Arizona revoked irrigation permits for KSA.
Fondomonte's new well is permitted to go 1,000-1,500 feet deep and pump water at a rate of 3,000 gallons per minute. To compare, wells that state regulators dub as exempt--which are typical for domestic use, pump up to 35 gallons per minute. The average depth of an exempt well in La Paz County is about 240 feet. A list of permitted wells in Arizona shows this would be Fondomonte's 33rd. [Saudi-backed farm Fondomonte receives approval for new well on its property]
About 3 million acres of irrigated ag land in Western states are planted to alfalfa and it takes 3 to 6 acre-feet every year to water an acre of it — more in hotter, drier climates. An acre foot is about 326,000 gallons.
Mayes said she would rather action be taken immediately than follow Hobbs' plan of first pursuing a fix through the legislature before taking executive action. Arizona law has very limited regulations on wells outside of managed areas, though Mayes says the department's director has a statutory duty to periodically review if an area meets the criteria for management. [AG Mayes wants approval of new well for Saudi-backed alfalfa farm revoked]
There is little doubt in my mind that damning evidence linking the Trump Organization to Russia was destroyed by the House of Saud on 9/11 and it’s impossible the Obama Administration didn’t know Donald Trump was being installed through a vast white wing conspiracy with at least one hostile government. 

Also in 2018 KSA Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi who was investigating the Trump Organization and Jared Kushner's blood money infusions.
While he’s not the first former government official who has sought to cash in, Kushner is one of the few to completely disregard the traditional cooling off period (the other: former Trump Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, whose investment firm is also backed by Riyadh).  ["It appears to be a payoff": Expert says Kushner's Saudi cash an "egregious" national security worry]
It's entirely likely that South Dakota's Trump-drunk governor will invite Fondomonte to relocate to that failed red state.

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