Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Scientists concerned about Earth haters and the farm bill

Earth haters have a disproportionate influence on the farm bill and to nobody's surprise it's the usual suspects who spend the most money.

More than even the defense lobby lavishes on politicians the US Chamber of Commerce, Bayer, American Crystal Sugar, the American Farm Bureau Federation and the Koch cabal flood Republicans in congress with cash according to research compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists. 

Chair of the House Committee on Agriculture, Representative Glenn Thompson (Earth hater-PA), introduced HR 84676, the "Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024," in Congress on Tuesday. He leads all comers in campaign cash harvested from the worst offenders.
Congress should center the needs of small and midsize farms, historically marginalized farmers, food workers and farmworkers, and consumers—not just the needs of giant corporations and industry groups—when writing the next food and farm bill. There are also other steps policymakers can take to blunt the undue power of corporate giants in the food and agriculture industries, and to provide greater public transparency into the ways deep- pocketed industry interests are shaping food and farm policies. [Cultivating Control: Corporate Lobbying on the Food and Farm Bill]
But, in 2023 the Trump-packed SCOTUS reversed environmental protection for a majority of American citizens and enabled the corporatocracy to pollute at will and the two main drivers of wetlands loss in the West are drought and cattle grazing

Learn more at The Hill.

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