Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Boebert turns carpetbagger

The State of Colorado has chosen the eastern plains for a series of sacrifice zones: prisons, military maneuvers and industrial agriculture

Ken Buck has been representing the 4th Congressional District but decided not to run again citing Republican Party devotion to election fraud and a wannabe dictator. Lauren Boebert has announced she'll move from the 3rd District to the 4th after being caught groping her date in a Denver theatre.
Earlier this month, President Joe Biden put a focus on Boebert while touring a wind turbine manufacturing plant in Pueblo, the 3rd CD's largest city, calling her out for opposing the administration's signature legislative priorities. Boebert responded by attacking the president and the Democrats' legislative agenda. In the new district, at least six Republicans are already seeking the nomination, including former state Sens. Jerry Sonnenberg and Ted Harvey, state Rep. Richard Holtorf and conservative talk radio host Deborah Flora. "I am not impressed with another Carpetbagger shopping for a district," Holtorf said. [Lauren Boebert jumps to Colorado's 4th CD in bid to improve reelection odds]

When their religion depends on the end of the world how can the rest of America survive the Republican suicide pact?

ip image: Tyrone is one of several ghost towns dissolving into the high plains along the Santa Fe Historic Trail on US 350 beside the tracks between Trinidad and La Junta.

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

Two Republican CO congressional districts could flip to Democrats: KUNC.