Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Old and in the way: retirees crowding chemical toilet

Earth haters: we need migrant farm labor! 

Also Earth haters: Joe Biden is letting too many people into the US! 

As young people and Democrats flee South Dakota more brown people are doing the work in the red moocher state. The resultant soaring median age of the retirees seeking deliverance from the cultural diversities thriving in Colorado, California, Minnesota, even Arizona and Oregon drives the exploitation of South Dakota's regressive tax structure and reinforces the racially insulated Nazi enclave that Spearditch is today.
The state is drawing more older residents than younger residents, according to the United Van Lines data. The top state for move-in growth was Vermont followed by Oregon. Of those who moved, 58.5% moved into South Dakota while 41.5% moved out of state. The United Van Lines’ data shows that older people are moving to South Dakota at a greater percentage than younger people. In the 35 to 44 age range, 37.5% moved out compared to 4.7% who moved in. The 45 to 54 age range accounted for 19% of all who moved in and 12.5% of all who moved out. About 76% of all who moved in were 55 and older. And about 12.5% of those who moved out were in that age range. [Older people moving to SD, United Van Lines says]
When the U-Haul data popped up in my twitter feed the other day it reported New Mexico is a growth state and South Dakota jumped from #25 in 2020 to #11 in 2021 so it looks like migrants are using U-Haul and retirees are paying United Van Lines to move households.
Between 2010 and 2020, South Dakota saw a population increase of 56,543 non-white people in the state, while the state’s white population grew by 15,944, according to the 2020 census. The state’s population of Spanish speakers increased by 75.1% in that same timeframe. New residents can’t easily take hours off their jobs each week to attend classes, and evening weekday classes are difficult because many Spanish-speaking residents have two jobs or are taking care of their families at that time. South Dakota Voices for Peace was one of over 50 organizations that received funding from the state Department of Health to develop a community health worker workforce, part of a federal grant. [South Dakota’s multilingual population is growing. Advocates say more resources are needed.]
$20 says migrants headed north to work but that’s slowing now as another eight month winter grips my home state.

Deadwood is home to a significant number of service workers from outside the US including the Philippines: Filipino is the largest detailed Asian group in South Dakota. 

Yes, to little surprise the assisted living, funeral home and florist industries do very well and now that brown workers can take the driver's license exam in Spanish white people can spend more time snorting and shooting meth.

ip photo: a thunderstorm looms over Deadwood.

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