Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Hate group sues New Mexico on behalf of christianic physicians

Despite urging from the primate of the Church of of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers to get inoculated during a pandemic a Sioux Falls, South Dakota school district with ties to the sect joined a 2021 lawsuit against the Biden administration's vaccine or testing/masking mandate. Representing the Diocese of Sioux Falls pro bono is the Alliance Defending Freedom, identified as a hate group in 2016 by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

But now, ADF is representing a few religionist doctors and suing the State of New Mexico in federal court over language in the End-of-Life Options Act that they say compels providers with christianic beliefs to inform terminally ill patients of  “all reasonable options” then refer sufferers seeking eternal relief to other physicians.

In 2021, over objections from a Roman Church that preys on children and props up dictators, New Mexico's Democratic governor and unpaid legislators passed the law making a death with dignity legal for people with terminal illnesses. Under the statute a patient must be expected to die within six months and be able to self-administer the lethal injection. Some 120 people have made the choice in 2022 including a nurse familiar to Our Lady of the Arroyo. 

Colorado passed a similar bill in 2016 and some eight hundred souls have taken advantage of that measure. But frivolous lawsuits have become routine for the far white wing of the Republican Party after a baker refused service to an LGBTQ couple and a website designer sought to test a Colorado law then drove her righteous indignation all the way to the Pontius-packed Supreme Court of the United States.

Because suicide by violent means has become epidemic especially in red states Massachusetts is also considering an aid in dying law.

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