Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Drought, Republicans Continue to Threaten Prairie Pothole Region

Most East River lakes are eutrophic shit holes filled with toxic algae and unable to even support fish populations so the Prairie Pothole Region is becoming increasingly threatened by the encroachment of industrial agriculture but more irrigation means pumping fossil water from depleted aquifers mainly recharged by the Prairie Pothole Region.

So once again the feds are bailing out the locals this time through a grant from the North American Wetlands Conservation Council, a part of the US Fish and Wildlife Service but instead of native bison We the People will pay a few welfare ranchers to run domestic livestock on some of it.
Soil Health Initiative funds will be open to eastern South Dakota landowners interested in establishing cover crops, diversifying crop rotations, reducing tillage, conserving wetlands and planting grasslands. The grant also includes funds for various wetland restoration and protection projects, including the acquisition of conservation easements from willing landowners. The grant and partner contributions will enhance more than 30,000 acres of wetlands and associated upland habitats in eastern South Dakota, benefiting waterfowl, ring-necked pheasants, white-tailed deer, songbirds, waterbirds and a wide variety of other wildlife species. [Farm Forum]
The sacrifice zone, chemical toilet, perpetual welfare state and permanent disaster area that is South Dakota is banking on increased drought in hopes to coax relief from the Trump Organization despite greater than average mountain runoff into the Missouri River.

Even the n00bs at South Dakota News Watch caught up to the story.
Ultimately, though, increasing protections for South Dakota rivers will largely boil down to money and future investment, a fact that presents a major challenge to a low-population state that is fueled mainly by sales tax revenues. [Rivers at Risk: S.D. waterways serve as dumping grounds for human, industrial, ag wastes]
Yeah, right.

So much for that.

See why the first line of political defense is the County Commission? And why environmental lawyers are important to democracy?

The US Fish and Wildlife Service enforces critical habitat and Democrats care more about this stuff than the Greedy Old Party does.

I'm a single-issue voter. Earth first. See how simple?

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