Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Lalley urges Bjorkman to run as SDGOP-lite

There isn't a single South Dakota Democrat who can win a statewide race without a third party or indie conservative running to split the SDGOP vote in the general election.
Tim Bjorkman, a retired circuit court judge from Salem, will announce his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday. So maybe we’ll have an actual contested statewide campaign of substance for the first time in since Noem defeated then incumbent Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. [Patrick Lalley, another commercial radio station]
Blah, blah, blah.

West River conservatives are backing Shantel Krebs in the US House race because of their anger over the Gant/Powers scandals while the SDGOP establishment earth haters are backing Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson.

interested party has contacted several West River conservatives furious with the leadership void left by Denny Daugaard in the shit storm created by the Bendagate and Westerhuis affairs to mount third party and independent runs for statewide seats. Lora Hubbel still has time to leave the earth hater party and run on principle as a third party or unaffiliated candidate.

Unless Marty Jackley leaks dirt about Kristi Noem's extramarital gymnastics he's going to be roadkill in the earth hater gubernatorial primary, too.

The feckless South Dakota Democrats should hold a nominating convention and avoid any primary contests. JR LaPlante should run for his party's nomination for attorney general, btw.

Unless Bjorkman talks about legal cannabis and Medicaid for all he's just running as an SDGOP clone.

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