Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Dakotah historian visited by FBI after call to action

Update: FBI backs off:

Kyle Loven, chief division counsel for the FBI in Minneapolis, said he cannot comment on the individual case, but the FBI will become involved if there are indications a speech advocates violence.

A 2010 speech at Winona State University in Minnesota has netted a Dakotah historian and activist a visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

Dr. Waziyatawin:
Given the reality of Indigenous experience under colonialism, it is imperative that in addition to recovering and practicing our traditional ways of being, we also take steps to challenge the existing systems and institutions of oppression. Ultimately, if we are to live as free Peoples, we must not only remember who we are, we must also work to eradicate the colonial structure. Today, however, we have reached an era in which the existing system is on the verge of collapse, with colonizer and colonized alike resting near a precipitous edge. We can either succumb to the ongoing discourse of complacency propagated by the colonizing government, or we can mobilize for revolutionary change.

Update:  International Justice Project scheduled for tribes meeting on the Pine Ridge.

1 comment:

Thad Wasson said...

The Indian on Indian violence must end. The young Lakota men have never committed violence on their own children and elders in the past, why is it occuring today?
We must correct this before all history of first nations peoples disappear.