
Northern Black Hills, Rocky Mountain wildfire season rescheduled

A sloppy, gray Deadwood is a happy place this morning. The low clouds covering the Gulch overnight kept most budding fruit trees from freezing. 2005 it ain't.

phone photos of 35mm photos i took in 1977 or '78

this morning from an approximate location (don't ask)

A religious traveler who witnessed its ominous birth on the high plains of eastern Colorado might have called it miraculous that more people weren't casualties of a slow-moving weather system that brought death to some but life to others.

In a post this morning at Madville Times, Cory sorted through the proposed Thune/Noem concession to the Neimans.

One lawsuit convinced a judge recently to stop logging on a section of Custer National Forest near Ashland, Montana because the FS is apparently unwilling or underfunded to do due data diligence on mandated Environmental Impact Statements.

Weirdly enough: the basis for GOP policy appeared today in the Montana Standard, a Lee newspaper with a craving for cheap newsprint in an era when only the oldest voters rely on dead trees for the latest updates on Paul Ryan’s biblical revelations.

Privatization of public services is an ALEC tactic: just say no.

The EPA 2012 draft greenhouse gas inventory report here...yes, they're up.

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