
More ecocide news

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.

Zak Smith’s Blog:
This Week in Whales: 3,000 Dead Dolphins on Peru's Shores, Oil Exploration to Blame?; Oil Exploration Delayed in Gulf of Mexico to Protect Dolphins; Dolphins in Gulf Suffering from BP Spill...
From Earthjustice: send a message to President Obama.
In his State of the Union speech, President Obama promised that drilling and fracking for natural gas would happen "without putting the health and safety of our citizens at risk."
h/t Lynn from ThinkProgress:
Colorado’s hydrofracking boom — a technology that heavily relies on water — only adds additional strain as farmers and drillers bid for a scarce resource.
From Martin Kidston's environment beat posted in the Billings Gazette: USDA killed two million mammals in ten years dramatically altering ecosystems.

National Science Foundation:
The warmed grasslands also cycled nitrogen more rapidly. This should make more nitrogen available to plants, scientists believed, helping plants grow more. But instead much of the nitrogen was lost, converted to nitrogen gases in the atmosphere or leached out by rainfall washing through the soil.
The AP:
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) - Government data show U.S. coal exports reached their highest level in two decades last year as strong overseas demand offered an outlet for a fuel that's falling from favor at home.

1 comment:

freegan said...

preparing for the future,needing less,doing it yourself. nice speech here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySydk4R77po
everyone should be doing this.