
Yellowstone supervolcano alert!

We're toast:

Wyoming officials say snowpacks are at levels not seen in recorded history. From the Trib:

The water content of the snowpack across Wyoming was at 327 percent of average, up from 227 percent last week. At the same time last year, the statewide water content of the snowpack was 126 percent of average, and parts of the state still saw significant flooding.


kw said...

IP, you forgot the real quilty party in your poll. This is what's wrong with polls in general and your in frequently. they are to leading. please IP. I hold you to a higher standard, don't let me down. kw

larry kurtz said...

Huh? Of course, they are leading. You lost me, though. Who do you believe is the real guilty party...or did you really mean the "quilty" party? Because i know who the quilty party is.