Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Papal visit raises voices on crimes of colonization

Catholicism is hope like syphilis is charity.

Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast President Barack Obama counseled Americans to remember that Christians are disproportionately guilty of genocidal atrocities.

With the Supreme Leader of the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers invading America indigenous activists and others are calling on Pope Frank to not only deny sainthood to a symbol of colonization but to also renounce the Discovery Doctrine.
We call it the European Invasion but modern academics have a more anodyne term, “Columbian Encounter.” Whatever you call it, the civilizations invaded or encountered left physical evidence on the land that far exceeds what could have been done by Native Americans in the numbers commonly thought to have lived in 1492. With the climate change crisis driving methods for measuring CO2 in the air far into the past, scientists got interested whenever CO2 spiked up or down. One spike downward coincided with the Columbian Encounter. The working hypothesis is that the CO2 went away because it was absorbed by the foliage that took over indigenous farms gone fallow when about 50 million people, farming 1.3 hectares per person, died as a result of the European Invasion. Like most crimes, the Columbian Encounter has left physical evidence, enough physical evidence to put the claims that the Americas held only small bands of nomadic hunters in the same category as denial of the Holocaust. [excerpt, Steve Russell, Indian Country Today]
The indigenous population at the time of European arrival in what is now the United Snakes was about 25 million: today it is around 2.5 million.

When Lewis and Clark explored the Missouri River and beyond some men in tribes would urge their wives and daughters to trade sex for things like iron kettles and axes.

According to historian Clay Jenkinson, Thomas Jefferson would be surprised that there are any American Indians still alive at all in 2015.

From a piece by Stephen Rex Brown in the New York Daily News:
A 15th century Catholic decree permitting Europeans to seize Indian land in the New World is a load of papal bull. That was the message Tuesday from the Onondaga Nation, which is calling on the new Pope to revoke the so-called Discovery Doctrine, which evolved from a papal decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cited the doctrine in a 2005 ruling against the Oneida Indian Nation. The ruling affirmed the government’s sovereignty over lands, even if they’re sold to an Indian tribe.
His Eminence is calling on his American flock to turn out Republicans for their belligerence on human-caused climate disruptions.
Pope Francis has apologized for the sins and "offenses" committed by the Catholic Church against indigenous peoples during the colonial-era conquest of the Americas. History's first Latin American pope "humbly" begged forgiveness Thursday during an encounter in Bolivia with indigenous groups and other activists and in the presence of Bolivia's first-ever indigenous president, Evo Morales. Francis noted that Latin American church leaders in the past had acknowledged "grave sins were committed against the native peoples of America in the name of God." St. John Paul II issued a sweeping apology in 2000 for the sins of the church in the past and in 2001 sent an email apologizing for missionary abuses against the aborigines of Oceania.
Read that here.

Restoring those wild lands in the Greater Missouri River basin decimated by the extirpation of indigenous Americans can reverse the effects of the Anthropocene.
Another researcher, Bonnie Duran, an associate professor at the University of Washington, calls this a “colonial health deficit.” Not only does this new study illuminate the long-term effects of the suffering of Holocaust survivors and Native Americans, but it also suggests an intriguing avenue for future research: whether victims of other historic or ongoing genocides, such as America’s black and brown population or the millions of those killed in U.S. wars in the Middle East, also suffer from a colonial health deficit. [Native Americans Have ‘Always Known’: Science Proves Genetic Inheritance of Trauma]
Pope Frank, when you address Congress: call out the ecocidal Republican Party and urge President Obama to rewild the West.

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