Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Hawks, Hunhoff, SDDP leaders agree: income tax would fund South Dakota's failed education strategy

Newly-announced candidate for the South Dakota Democratic Party's nomination to run for US House, Rep. Paula Hawks, is being scolded by South Dakota's Ridiculous Right for sounding too progressive.
It’s not what Governor Dennis Daugaard said in his annual budget address last week but what he didn’t say that concerns state Representative Paula Hawks, a Democrat from Hartford. “Some things I was hoping to hear about and didn’t hear a lot about were education funding and what we’re going to do about the teacher shortage that’s on everyone’s mind right now, and particularly on the minds of school boards and superintendents across the state,” Hawks said. “So I was looking to hear a little bit more from him on that, a little bit more than 'I’m not going to lead the charge on that.'” [Northern Plains News]
Democratic leadership has been supporting the idea of scaling back South Dakota's war on the poor for decades.
Saturday marked the year’s second Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce legislative cracker barrel at the Avera Pavilion. District 18 state representatives Mike Stevens and Jean Hunhoff and Sen. Bernie Hunhoff used the event as an opportunity to update the public on the session’s efforts in dealing with education and Medicaid expansion. Sen. Bernie Hunhoff said much more work needs to be done on funding education in South Dakota. He suggested that South Dakota institute a corporate income tax in order to raise the funds for education. [Rob Nielsen, Yankton Press and Dakotan]
Hawks' announcement seems to say she's stepping down as a District 9 legislator where she serves as Minority Whip.

Republicans are evil: Hawks needs to start talking about Kristi Noem's extremist agenda.

Note the Ridiculous Right ignoring talk of a Heidelberger run for the nomination. Cory could crack Noem's façade in their first debate.

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