Los Cerrillos
January 10, 2025


USDA, HUD select Pine Ridge as 'Promise Zone'

Former US Senator Tim Johnson is still delivering for tribal nations trapped in South Dakota.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack have pledged Pine Ridge as one of eight new "Promise Zones:"
Promise Zones are high-poverty communities in which the federal government partners with local leaders to increase economic activity, improve educational opportunities, leverage private investment, reduce violent crime, enhance public health and address other priorities identified by the community, according to a release from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. [Rapid City Journal]
Castro is considered a possible Clinton running mate and is attending veep school.

Jim Kent brings this news from South Dakota Public Broadcasting:
As federal checks of substantial amounts are sent out to tribal members across the country, banking institutions and local banks are preparing for their impact. Some 4,000 fractionated tracts of land on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation alone have the potential to deliver $69 million into the pockets of 8,000 tribal members. [excerpt, Kent]


Unknown said...

Last year I proposed something similar and no response, at all. http://madvilletimes.com/2014/09/hickey-proposes-sd-trade-workforce-plan-for-indians-redemption-for-eb-5/

larry kurtz said...

Rep. Hickey, Madville's archives are nearly impossible to access anymore: could you describe the tone of legislative discussions about Indian Country in contrast with that within your congregation?

Porter Lansing said...

Cannabis and hemp are perfect products (with a steady retail market) for Promise Zones. Another Democratic President could really make some "progress" in Pine Ridge.

Unknown said...

My sense is there isn't much interest to worry about indian country or the problems there. This week I was told the tribes need to ask for help if they want it and they don't want state help. Nothing we haven't heard before.