
SD Game, Fish and Plunder seeking revenue boost

South Dakota's Republican-owned wildlife killing arm is using its last gasp to encourage the extermination of deer in the red moocher state.
“Winter depredation hunts are a valuable management tool that GFP uses in some situations to alleviate wildlife damage to landowners’ stored-feed supplies,” said wildlife damage program administrator, Keith Fisk. “Depredation hunts are largely dependent upon the severity of the winter, snowfall accumulations and the number of animals involved.” Winter depredation hunts focus on assisting landowners with wildlife damage, but can also provide hunters with another opportunity after traditional hunting seasons are closed.
Get the pathetic story here.

The state has spent most of the last three decades wiping out apex predators like cougars that used to control cervid populations but that's all over now, baby blue.

Your thoughts on red state failure writ large?

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