Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


SD delegation joins Trump death panel; NM delegation outraged

South Dakota's earth hater congressional delegation is circling the wagons around the failed policies of the Trump White House.

The newest version of Trumpcare isn't a health care bill, it's a purge.
In a statement, U.S. Sen. Tom Udall said he has received more than 10,000 letters and emails urging him to oppose the bill, which would roll back some rules for health insurers and eventually reduce the number of low-income Americans covered under the government-funded Medicaid program. U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich called the bill a “train wreck” that “seems to be everything we feared it would be.” [Santa Fe New Mexican]
In stark contrast to the New Mexican, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader reads like a bulletin from the South Dakota Republican Party.

Mike Rounds is a sleaze bag. Anyone else notice he and fellow earth haters John Thune and Krusti Noem are begging the Trump Organization to socialize agriculture for their donors as drought grips my home state? The state's governor says he believes slashing Medicaid will curb debt while putting more burden for indigent care on counties.

Sioux Falls and the Big Sioux River are dying in a toxic stew of chemically-infused feces while the South Dakota Republican Party gloats over cancer rates driving a medical industry. Rounds donor Denny Sanford is a billionaire and South Dakota is a $3 TRILLION tax haven.

Steve Rounds enjoys an unusual 30-year lease on land managed by a state agency. Rounds got the lease to the Oahe Marina from South Dakota Game, Fish and Plunder while his brother was governor and when his banker, Larry Deiter was named South Dakota Director of Insurance.

I like the idea of rolling the funding for Obamacare, Tricare, Medicare, the IHS and the VA together then offering Medicaid for all by increasing the estate tax, raising taxes on tobacco and adopting a carbon tax. Reproductive freedoms should be included with conditions just like the military does under Tricare.

Which part of crony capitalism escapes South Dakotans? Why anybody lives in South Dakota remains a mystery.

Cartoon: Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune.


Anonymous said...

What sucks is that some of us have elderly and vulnerable parents that still live in South Dakota. We go back to help them for what they have done for us. Otherwise I highly doubt I'd cross the border into the Miss of the North. At least I try not to spend any money in that state and will continue to spread the word of a boycott. Too bad a few of us cannot purchase billboards on the border of highly visible and traveled crossings with a AD campaign that just slams the state. It would be funny as hell, get national attention and the Dept of Tourism would shit. Paid for by South Dakota natives who know the "real South Dakota" who escaped the black hole until politcal change is made.

Anonymous said...

It could be modeled on the Wall Drug signs. Exit 45 last chance to change your mind and turn around before crossing the border into a true shithole. 22 miles to one of the most polluted river in the US the Big Sioux. West river sign could highlight the radioactive dust and particles with risk for cancer from the mining days and failure to clean it up. CAFOS, Pierre one of the most corrupt state. Oh my we could have fun!

larry kurtz said...

Posting billboards at the borders that warn travelers of civil rights violations committed by the State of South Dakota is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

30 miles to the South Dakota border where the your chances of being forcibly catheterized increase.

larry kurtz said...
