
Jackley supports cannabis research; studies say it lowers taxpayer cost

According to WNAX Radio South Dakota's fuzzy earth hater attorney general has made an about-face on cannabis. Marty Jackley says he supports a further look and that he's working with federal agencies to ensure his donors can cut a fat hog institutionalizing pharmaceutical weed.
“We are seeing patients that are reporting that they are finding a medication that is meeting their needs where other medications did not," said Steph Sherer with Americans for Safe Access. Sherer says she's encouraged to see new research published by the journal, Health Affairs. It found the number of prescriptions for painkillers dipped dramatically in states where medical marijuana is legal. [KOTA teevee]
Ahead of a run for governor the Jackley-booted thug popped two cannabis consultants who allegedly contracted with the Flandreau Santee Sioux Nation to provide cultivars and equipment for a grow operation. All of a sudden it's pretty clear why fellow Republican, Governor Dennis Daugaard, supported more gambling at the FSST casino. The State of South Dakota receives revenue from FSST through a compact with the nation. The state and the Yankton Sioux Nation are mulling a gaming compact.

The hypocrisy of Jackley and the SDGOP is boundless. Jackley is a white supremacist bent on keeping tribes repressed. $20 says the State of South Dakota has paid off tribal officials to resist cannabis grow ops.

One player has rolled over to cover his own ass and Eric Hagen has pleaded not guilty.

South Dakota's Division of Criminal Investigation has revealed multiple unlawful practices and questionable activity throughout the Flandreau Police Department.

Attorney General Marty Jackley is not only a partisan twerp he's as dirty as the police forces he oversees. Jackley says he believes conflict of interest laws are too lax yet he is hoarding information on Bendagate that could put his political party in the legal cross hairs. He's struggling to raise enough campaign cash to run for governor.

South Dakota media outlets are rife with stories about a meth and heroin epidemic and Marty Jackley takes on a guy alleged to have fifty five cannabis seeds for a legal buyer even as his homeboys and minions in the law enforcement industry look away from the Sturgis Rally bacchanal.

Jackley is a recipient of campaign contributions from Big Pharma, the major beneficiary of the recent Drug Enforcement Administration edict, and of course big bucks from Big Booze. Thanks to lobbyists for those industries South Dakota has the most tyrannical and dangerous cannabis laws in the US.

It would be interesting to know how much beer distributors pay tribal authorities to keep reservations dry.
The state should hire a full-time law enforcement officer in Whiteclay, Nebraska, and open an alcohol detox center to clean up the notorious border town, an ad hoc committee formed by Gov. Pete Ricketts has recommended. “Whiteclay is becoming the Flint, Michigan, of Nebraska,” said Lincoln businessman Alan Jacobsen, a former candidate for governor. He was among a group of Lincoln advocates calling for action from the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. [Omaha World-Herald]
Cannabis has shown to be an effective treatment for alcoholism.

Screw Nebraska: a tribal cannabis turnabout would be Whiteclay fair play. Flood the state with cannabis grown in the Oglala Lakota Nation.

Let’s ensure that cannabis cultivation and distribution stay out of the hands of Big Dope. It’s time to enter compacts with the tribes, let them distribute on the rez, on off-reservation properties and in Deadwood.

Cops' lives suck. Little wonder they abuse their families, alcohol, drugs, food, power, detainees and even occasionally murder their wives.

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